- Esters have the functional group COO. The functional group for esters is formed from a C=O bond and a C-O bond. This can be simplified to COO.
- The letter ‘R’ can be included when representing ester. The letter ‘R’ represents any other group of molecules, so could represent a CH3 group or CH2CH3 group.
- Carboxylic acids and alcohols can form esters. As we have just seen, esters are formed from a reaction between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid. A catalyst can also be used, such as sulphuric acid.
Alcohol + Carboxylic Acid ⟶ Ester + Water
- Esters can be named. Like the other organic compounds we have seen, esters can also be named. However, for exams, you only need to know the ester called ‘ethyl ethanoate’. This has a 2 carbon chain and is formed from ethanol and ethanoic acid.

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