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AQA A-Level Geography Papers

Get ready for your AQA A-Level Geography Papers with our comprehensive resources. Our page provides information on exam topics, grading, and preparation, along with access to past papers and revision guides. Whether you're a student or a teacher, our page has everything you need to excel in your AQA A-Level Geography Papers.

November 2021 AQA A-Level Geography Past Papers (7037) (Labelled as June 2021)

November 2020 AQA A-Level Geography Past Papers (7037) (Labelled as June 2020)

November 2020 AQA AS-Level Geography Past Papers (7036) (Labelled as June 2020)

June 2019 AQA A-Level Geography Past Papers (7037)

AQA A-Level Geography 1-1 Tutoring
Boost your A-Level Geography Performance with Award-Winning Tutoring. 100% Money Back Guarantee for first lesson

June 2019 AQA AS-Level Geography Past Papers (7036)

June 2018 AQA A-Level Geography Past Papers (7037)

June 2018 AQA AS-Level Geography Past Papers (7036)

June 2017 AQA AS-Level Geography Past Papers (7036)

AQA A-Level Geography Specimen Papers (7037)

AQA A-Level Geography 1-1 Tutoring
Boost your A-Level Geography Performance with Award-Winning Tutoring. 100% Money Back Guarantee for first lesson

AQA AS-Level Geography Specimen Papers (7036)

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      → What is AQA A-Level Geography?

      AQA A-Level Geography is an academic qualification offered by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA) in the United Kingdom. It is designed to assess students' knowledge and understanding of human and physical geography, including geographical concepts, theories, and skills.

      → What are the different AQA A-Level Geography papers?

      There are three AQA A-Level Geography papers: Paper 1, Paper 2, and Paper 3. Paper 1 covers Physical Geography, Paper 2 covers Human Geography, and Paper 3 covers Geographical Debates. Each paper is worth 80 marks and is 2 hours and 30 minutes long.

      → What topics are covered in AQA A-Level Geography Paper 1?

      AQA A-Level Geography Paper 1 covers Physical Geography, which includes topics such as tectonic processes and hazards, landscape systems, water and carbon cycles, and ecosystems under stress.

      → What topics are covered in AQA A-Level Geography Paper 2?

      AQA A-Level Geography Paper 2 covers Human Geography, which includes topics such as globalisation, superpowers, migration, identity and sovereignty, and human rights.

      → What topics are covered in AQA A-Level Geography Paper 3?

      AQA A-Level Geography Paper 3 covers Geographical Debates, which includes topics such as contemporary urban environments, changing places, contested planet, and geographical skills.

      → How are AQA A-Level Geography papers graded?

      AQA A-Level Geography papers are graded on a scale of A* to E, with A* being the highest grade and E being the lowest. The grades are based on the total marks obtained by the student in all three papers.

      → How can I prepare for AQA A-Level Geography papers?

      To prepare for AQA A-Level Geography papers, you can use textbooks, revision guides, and past papers to review and consolidate your knowledge. You can also attend revision classes or work with a tutor to get additional support.

      → When are AQA A-Level Geography papers usually held?

      AQA A-Level Geography papers are usually held in June of each year. However, there may be additional exam sessions in November or January for some subjects.

      → How long are AQA A-Level Geography papers?

      Each AQA A-Level Geography paper is 2 hours and 30 minutes long.

      → How many marks are AQA A-Level Geography papers worth?

      Each AQA A-Level Geography paper is worth 80 marks.

      → What is the pass mark for AQA A-Level Geography papers?

      There is no specific pass mark for AQA A-Level Geography papers. The grades are based on the total marks obtained by the student in all three papers, and the grade boundaries may vary from year to year depending on the overall performance of the students.

      → What can I do with an AQA A-Level Geography qualification?

      An AQA A-Level Geography qualification can prepare you for a range of careers in fields such as environmental management, urban planning, international development, or journalism. It can also provide a pathway to further study in geography, environmental science, or related subjects at university.