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1,276 Reviews

Highly Qualified 13 Plus Tutors for

13+ Exam Tuition

Our tutors for the 13 Plus, Key Stage 3 Subjects, and Independent School Entrance Exams are all highly trained teachers. They are also professional, enthusiastic, and up to speed on the most recent requirements of a competitive exam.

A tutor can provide fun, engaging and targeted ways to prepare for these assessments! Get started today.

1,276 star star star star star reviews
  • 1-to-1 Lessons
  • Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Personal Schedule and Syllabus
  • 4.7/5 Star Rating on Trustpilot


We're appreciative of the help and direction our instructor gave us. They helped our child develop crucial abilities and knowledge that went beyond the 13 plus examinations since they were kind, compassionate, and informed.


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      Discover more 13+ Tutors below, we offer a selection of 228 highly qualified tutors for you to choose from

      Experienced 13+ tutor
      Experienced 13+ tutor
      University of Leicester
      3rd Year
      UCAT: Top 5% in QR (810)A* in history A-levelOffer from leicesterA*AA at A-level8s and 9s at GCSE

      Hi, I am Hana and I’m in my 2nd year of medical school at Leicester. I would love to be your tutor to help you achieve your goals! I have tutored for two years and have enjoyed interacting with my students, sharing my knowledge and creating a safe and empowering learning environment for them.

      I know very well that overwhelming feeling of juggling A-levels and preparing for a medicine application or even juggling multiple subjects at GCSE. Whilst it was a journey, I have finally made it and want to help you through yours too!

      When I’m not doing all things medicine, I love spending my time doing art, wholesome activities with my friends and family as well as focusing on my physical and spiritual wellness.

      I am excited to learn more about you and your goals with tutoring so that I can provide engaging and productive sessions for you!

      Experienced 13+ tutor
      Experienced 13+ tutor
      Imperial College London
      3rd Year
      UCAT: Top 10%BMAT: Top 10% in S15A in S3Interview: Offers from ImperialUCLKings and LeedsA-Level: 3 A* BiologyChemistryMathsGCSE: Achieved 9 9s and 1 8.


      My name is Besmela and I am 21 years old. Im a very friendly, reliable, punctual and dedicated student with in-depth knowledge in Science and a realm of experience in successfully applying to Medicine!

      I studied GCSEs and A-Levels at The Latymer School, where I obtained 9 9’s and 1 8 at GCSE level, an A at AS level and 3 A* at A-Level. I am currently studying at Imperial College London and was accepted to 4/4 of my chosen universities back during my application process.

      I pride myself in my work and my engagement with others and strive to do the best I can, and will throw myself into providing the best quality learning experience for you and helping you achieve your goals. I will do my best to make sure you enjoy learning and are excited for all your future success!

      Thank you, Bes 🙂

      Experienced 13+ tutor
      Experienced 13+ tutor
      University of Dublin, Trinity College
      4th Year
      7 ratings
      2680Offer from LiverpoolOffer from BelfastOffer from GlasgowOffer from CardiffA*A*A at Alevel100% GCSE MathsDentistry

      I’m a fourth-year Dentistry student studying at Trinity College Dublin. In my free time, I find joy in both running and swimming. I’ve been fortunate to receive offers from all four of my preferred universities in the UK, namely Glasgow, Belfast, Cardiff, and Liverpool. My academic achievements include securing A*A*A at A-levels, and I achieved a UCAT score of 2680. Hailing from Northern Ireland, my lifelong aspiration to become a dentist has been deeply rooted in my unwavering passion for healthcare. From an early age, I’ve been captivated by the profound impact healthcare professionals have on people’s lives, and dentistry, in particular, has held a special place in my heart. The opportunity to combine scientific knowledge with hands-on patient care has been a driving force behind my academic journey. It’s a privilege to pursue my dreams in the field of dentistry, and I’m committed to making a positive difference in oral healthcare.


      Build Confidence and Prepare For Academic Success.

      Experienced, Friendly Tutors

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      Trusted by 12,000+ Parents

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      1-to-1 13+ Tutoring

      We handpick all of our 13+ tutors who are qualified, dedicated experts. We only work with the very best!

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      Hand Picked 13+ Tutors

      All of our tutors are experienced and enthusiastic mentors with plenty of teaching experience.

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      Work Closely With Parents

      Our tutors collaborate closely with parents and carers to identify areas for improvement, set attainable goals, and monitor progress. Your child can gain confidence and feel prepared to face any challenge with our unwavering support and guidance.

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      Trusted by Schools & Teachers

      We have taught over 100,000 hours of lessons and have partnered with 50+ schools across the UK.

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      Individualise Online Tutoring Sessions

      All virtual sessions are one-on-one and face-to-face. The tutor is completely focused on your child. Short sessions take advantage of a young child's attention span. Certified teachers are capable of tailoring lessons and building confidence in appealing and engaging ways.

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      13+ Expert

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        Our child has made amazing progress with the help of their tutor. Their reading and writing skills have improved dramatically, and they're more confident in their abilities overall.
        We were hesitant to try tutoring services for our child, but we're so glad we did. The tutor is patient, kind, and provides just the right amount of guidance and support. Our child is excited to learn and loves their tutoring sessions!
        Our tutor has a real gift for working with young students. They're knowledgeable, engaging, and make learning fun. Our child looks forward to their tutoring sessions and we're thrilled with the progress they've made.
        I can't say enough good things about our Tutoring experience. The tutor is supportive, encouraging, and always finds creative ways to engage our child. They've made remarkable progress in just a few short months and we're excited to see how they continue to grow and thrive with the help of their tutor.

        We are ready to help!

        Start your 13+ tuition today! Sign up for free consultation now!

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        Was the FREE lesson a hit? With our dedicated tutors, your child can achieve their full potential and succeed in their academic and personal lives!

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          Frequently Asked Questions

          If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for in the FAQs, feel free to contact us!

          What is the 13 Plus (13+)?

          Many independent schools need students to take the 13 Plus exam in order to enter at age 13, or year 9. Your child may be required to take additional exams in subjects like French, Religious Studies, or Classic Greek in addition to English, Arithmetic, and Science. While some schools use the Common Entrance exam papers created by the Independent Schools Examination Board, many institutions set their own 13 Plus exam papers (ISEB). With this in mind, an expert 13 plus pre test tutor may be exactly what you need!

          How does private 13 plus tuition work at this age?

          To ensure we provide the most effective 13 plus tuition for your child, we begin with a detailed consultation to understand your child's interests, learning needs, and personality. This information helps us match your child with a tutor who can provide personalised support and guidance.

          Our tutors who work with children aged above 13 are experts in education and use the same techniques and teaching methods as schools. Additionally, our 13 plus tutors make learning fun and engaging by incorporating positive reinforcement games that build your child's confidence and love of learning.

          How often should you tutor a child?

          We recommend scheduling at least two tutoring sessions per week, with each session lasting between one to two hours, to ensure your child receives the support they need. Each experienced 13 plus tutor functions as a teacher and can work with your child to teach their curriculum and reinforce learning.

          💻Where do the sessions take place?

          You will be able to access all the material, including the live lessons, from the comfort of your own home as the lessons are held virtually.

          💰Do I have to pay for all of the lessons upfront?

          We strive to make our courses as accessible as possible. You can discuss individual payment plans with our team during your FREE one-off consultation with our experienced 13+ tutors.