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Aston University
2nd Year
Checked DBS
Rating 5
Pleased student 1
Teaches subjects 13

About Me

Hi, I am Hanin Salem and I am an Aston Medical School Student. Undertaking Biology and Chemistry A-levels made me realise my true passion for sciences, particularly with how interlinked both Biology and Chemistry truly are, such as how the different chemical bonds that we cover in chemistry are responsible for the formation, functioning and interaction of different biological molecules in the body such as proteins and enzymes. This interest therefore led me to decide to study medicine in university in order to allow me to delve deeper into beyond the A-level and GCSE curriculum.

I love sciences but I also love spreading my passion to other students through teaching, and I believe that it is important to create a positive and engaging learning environment where students also feel passionate about what they are studying and feel comfortable to ask questions and take on board challenges to achieve their academic goals and beyond.

Despite sciences being challenging subjects for some, I genuinely believe that practice does make perfect and that through a student’s self motivation and determination, they will be able to do well.

Aside from work and studies, I am also a fluent English and Arabic speaker which has really opened doors to allow me to communicate to a wider range of individuals!

My teaching style

I am a flexible individual when it comes to teaching students, as throughout my A-level studies I managed to develop many different learning methods that aided my revision such as flashcards, mindmapping, active recall and blurting, that I feel would reflect positively on the way I teach. As a result, I would be able to adjust my teaching style depending on the needs and teaching preferences of the student, and assist them to find a revision method that would work for them if they are struggling with doing so. I would also be willing to adjust my teaching strategy to align with the nature of the topic being taught; as some heavily rely on recall and memorisation, such as particular important definitions, however others rely on depth of understanding and being able to apply this knowledge into real life examples.

I would first begin with assessing the student’s abilities and weaknesses, as some may need additional help with understanding the topics in their specification, others may struggle with memorising and recalling key definitions, processes and information, and others may need more help with improving their exam technique and dealing with application and analytical questions. After establishing the tutee’s needs, I will tailor their lessons to those accordingly to help focus on their requirements. I will also ensure that we are on track with what the student is covering in school and that we are covering the content in the same order to help ensure that their understanding is being coordinated.

The lesson would begin by discussing the lesson structure with the student, in terms of what topics are being covered and what goals we aim to achieve by the end of the lesson. I would ensure that there is still an element of flexibility and fluidity in terms of the lesson plan in case the student requires additional help with a particular skill or topic, just to ensure that they end the lesson with all their needs being met. I would then provide them with a ‘starter activity’ which could be to either test their knowledge from the previous lesson, to go through any homework, or to recap over any problematic topic areas, which would all assist in clearing up any misunderstandings and consolidate knowledge, yet also provides me an insight into their educational progress. This starter activity could be in the form of active recall, mind mapping or providing the student with a quiz or exam question to complete.

I would follow this with the main lesson, where I could utilise presentations, videos and diagrams, however if a student has an upcoming exam then we will focus some previous lessons to focus on consolidating and applying the relevant topics to exam questions to ensure they are well prepared. During my lessons, I encourage students to feel comfortable with asking questions and flagging up any concerns, as based on my experience of being a GCSE and A-level student, I have encountered many of my colleagues who were hesitant to ask questions, and I am hoping I can change that with my future tutees, as it is extremely important that their queries are being addressed.

After teaching the content, I will then work through a practice question aloud in order to demonstrate exam technique and how to apply the knowledge we have covered. I would then give the student the chance to work through some questions themselves, which we would then cover in order to identify any mistakes which we would correct, hence allowing the student to be able to reflect on what knowledge or skills they need to work on. At the end of the lesson I will make sure we briefly discuss what we will be covering next lesson and if there is something that the student wants to focus on in particular. In regards to homework, I will tailor the type of homework given specific to each student depending on their progress and if there are any particular skills that need to be practised by the student at home that I could then review with them in our following lesson.

My past experience

I have previously taught A-level Biology and Religious Studies, which involved 1-1 sessions with my students on a weekly basis. Due to the heavy level of content that needs to be remembered, I ensured that I focused heavily on active recall methods in order to enhance the students’ ability to recall information confidently.

For Biology, alongside the focus on active recall, I utilised videos and images in order to aid their understanding of important biological processes to allow them to be able to vision how they take place and make it easier for them to remember them. I also ensured that students were able to apply their knowledge into application, analytical and evaluative questions, which was through repeated practice sessions which would then allow students to reflect on what types of questions they need to further work on most. I would initially work through a question aloud to outline my thought process and how I came around answering the question, then I would give the student the chance to answer some questions themselves, which we would then compare to mark schemes and model answers to identify any gaps.

For Religious Studies, at the start of every lesson, I would prepare either a quiz or a brainstorming activity to show what they can remember from the previous lesson. After covering the content of the lesson, we would collectively structure and plan evaluative and explanation essays, or provide them with timed essay practice to develop their essay writing and evaluative skills needed for their examinations.

I have also completed some 1-1 personal statement and interview sessions as part of my student ambassador role where I tutored GCSE students on how to apply for their sixth form destinations.

My Proudest Achievements

Despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was still able to achieve exceptional GCSE and A-level grades that reflected my confidence in subject knowledge and my passion for the subjects I undertook.
My GCSE grades were:
5 grade 9s in: Maths, Spanish, Religious Studies, Food preparation and Nutrition, History
4 grade 8s in: Biology, Chemistry, English Language and English Literature
A grade 7 in Physics

My A-level Grades were:
Biology: A
Chemistry: A
Extended Project Qualification: A
Religious Studies: A*
Arabic: A*

Aside from my studies, I have also worked as a student ambassador in both my secondary school and college, where I worked closely with teachers, students, and parents. This involved participating in college open events where I spoke to prospective students about the A-level courses we offer and what they are like, in addition to answering their and their parents’ questions and listening to their queries. As part of being a student ambassador at my college this involved me going to secondary schools to provide advice on achieving exceptional GCSE grades and being able to choose the A-levels that best suits their needs and career pathways. I have also-along my other student ambassador colleagues- performed interview and personal statement workshops at secondary schools to assist them with their sixth form applications, of which the students found very beneficial. This experience as a student ambassador has helped me to be able to work closely with other students and be able to share my experiences and knowledge and communicate effectively to listen to and deal with their concerns and provide reasonable solutions.

As part of my role as a student ambassador, it also involved organising charity fundraising events, where one of them involved raising money for PIMA Palestine, where I pledged to walk 10 miles within 5 days, allowing me to raise money yet also encourage others to donate. I also helped to organise the event with my fellow ambassadors, where we prepared things such as making badges for Palestine in order to raise awareness, in addition to organising activities for students and staff to partake in which would aid us in raising money. This was by far one of the most successful charity events in college.

I have also taken part in an IRIS Chemistry Research Project involving The Royal Society of Chemistry, where I used this as an opportunity to gain knowledge of chemistry beyond just my A-level specification. This project involved trying to find out the effects of ionic liquids on antibiotic efficacy and whether they could be used alongside or instead of antibiotics in order to treat bacterial skin biofilms, allowing me to form links between chemistry and medicine, through the use of the title ‘Ionic liquids and antibiotics: do they work together?’. I was able to display all my findings onto a scientific poster which I then presented in our local media museum to other students from other schools and visitors, which I saw as a great accomplishment.

Reviews (1)

I teach

  • Medicine Interview
  • Pharmacy
  • 11+
  • 13+
  • 13+ Tutors
  • Med Personal Statement
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Extended Project Qualification
  • Spanish
  • Arabic
  • Islamic Studies

My Results and Achievements

  • A-level:A*A*AAA(Arabic RE Biology Chemistry EPQ)
  • GCSE:5 9 s &4 8s (inc. biology and chemistry)& 7
  • EPQ: I achieved grade A with 48/54 as my mark
  • Interview:offers from Aston Uni&Uni of Bradford
  • Interview:successfully helped students into uni
  • Chemistry A-level:took part in IRIS Project
  • A-level Biology:Tutored A-level Biology

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