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A-Level Psychology Revision Notes

Explore the fascinating realm of psychology with our A-Level Psychology revision notes. Categorised by topic and exam board, you can use these notes to set you on the path to exam success.


Read some of our most frequently asked questions and answers

How can I effectively revise for the A-Level Psychology exam when there's so much content to cover?

By testing yourself on key terms, theories, and studies you will be able to recall the information better as you are actively engaging in the information rather than just reading a textbook. You can create concept maps or flowcharts to connect related ideas and concepts. Prioritize topics based on their weight in the exam and allocate more time to challenging areas.

What are some tips for writing high-scoring essays in A-Level Psychology?

Start with a clear introduction and thesis statement, followed by structured paragraphs presenting your arguments and evidence. Use the PEEEL method (Point, Evidence, Explain, Evaluate, Link) to analyze and critique theories or studies. For instance, when discussing the reliability of psychological research, evaluate the methods used, potential biases, and their impact on findings.

How can I remember the key psychologists and their contributions for the exam?

You can create mnemonic devices or acronyms. For instance, to remember Piaget's stages of cognitive development, use the acronym "SACOP" (Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational) as a memory aid. Alternatively, you can use a visualization technique by putting sticky notes around a room with key points. This will help you remember where each revision point is in relation to a place in the room.

What's the best approach to mastering research methods and statistics in A-Level Psychology?

Practice is key. Work through sample problems, analyze research papers, and engage in hands-on data collection and analysis.

How can I effectively apply psychological theories to real-life scenarios in the exam?

It is important to develop the skill of psychological application by regularly connecting theories to current events, personal experiences, or case studies. For example, when discussing the bystander effect, relate it to a real-life event like the Kitty Genovese case, showcasing your ability to apply psychological concepts to practical situations.