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A-Level Philosophy Revision Notes

These concise and organised A-Level Philosophy revision notes condense complex subject matter into easily digestible chunks, making them ideal companions for your exam preparation. If you’re struggling to understand a topic, our expert Philosophy tutors can support you in your revision by creating a personalised study plan to set you on the path to success.


Read some of our most frequently asked questions and answers

How can I effectively revise for A-Level Philosophy, particularly focusing on ethics and morality?

Comprehensive revision for ethics and morality involves understanding key theories like Utilitarianism, Kantian ethics, and Virtue ethics. You could create comparison tables to highlight their differences and similarities or discuss ethical dilemmas and their application to real-life scenarios with friends. This will help you to develop your ability to critically evaluate arguments for and against these theories. Make sure you have a bank of examples to provide examples that support your analysis in the exam.

What's the best way to prepare for the philosophy of religion component of the A-Level Philosophy exam?

To excel in the philosophy of religion, prioritize the study of arguments for the existence of God, the problem of evil, and religious language. Familiarize yourself with the works of influential philosophers like Thomas Aquinas, Anselm, and Hume. Practice essay writing by dissecting and evaluating complex theological concepts, offering evidence and counterarguments to strengthen your essays.

How can I prepare for the logic and argumentation aspects of the A-Level Philosophy exam?

Mastering formal logic is essential. Familiarize yourself with logical symbols, truth tables, and valid argument structures. Practice analyzing and constructing arguments, identifying fallacies, and evaluating premises and conclusions. Use online resources and textbooks specifically designed for logic in philosophy. When revising, focus on famous philosophical debates like the nature of existence (ontological arguments) or the problem of evil (theodicy), employing logical reasoning to dissect these complex issues.

How should I approach revision for the essay-based questions in A-Level Philosophy exams, ensuring depth and clarity in my responses?

Craft well-structured essays by outlining your arguments beforehand. Clearly define your thesis statement and follow the PEEC structure (Point, Evidence, Explanation, Critique) in each paragraph. Provide real-world examples or historical contexts to illustrate your points effectively. Revise by writing timed essays under exam conditions to enhance your time management skills.