Organic Analysis - Identification of Functional Groups (A-Level Chemistry)

Functional Group Identification Tests

Identification of functional groups by test-tube reactions

Simple test tube reactions can be used to determine the identify of specific functional groups.

Identifying Alkanes and Alkenes

Test: Add bromine water which is an orange solution

Result: If a double bond is present in the molecule, as there is in alkenes, the orange solution turns colourless. If there is no double bond, as in alkanes, there is no reaction, so the solution remains orange.

Explanation of reaction: Electrophilic addition reaction occurs.

Functional Group Identification Tests
Functional Group Identification Tests

Identifying Halogenoalkanes


  • Warm with dilute sodium hydroxide solution.
  • Add acidified (nitric acid) silver nitrate solution
  • Add dilute ammonia solution
  • Add concentrated ammonia solution


Functional Group Identification Tests
Functional Group Identification Tests


Nucleophilic substitution reaction occurs between the hydroxide ions from sodium hydroxide and the halogenoalkane.

The bond between the C and the halide is broken, releasing the halide ion.

Addition of acidified silver nitrate solution identifies the halide ion by the formation of different coloured precipitates as shown in the table.

Identifying Alcohols

Test: Warm with orange acidified potassium dichromate (VI) solution

Result: The orange solution turns green with primary and secondary alcohols, but stays orange (no reaction) with tertiary alcohols.

Explanation: Primary alcohols are oxidized to aldehydes, secondary alcohols are oxidized to ketones but tertiary alcohols are resistant to oxidation.

Identifying Aldehydes

Test 1Tollen’s Reagent: Warm aldehyde with Tollen’s reagent.

Result: Silver mirror is formed on the inside of the test tube.

Explanation: Tollen’s reagent is an alkaline solution containing diamine silver (I) ions dissolved in dilute ammonia.

The Ag+ ions are reduced to Ag(s) by the aldehyde. The aldehyde is oxidised to form a carboxylic acid.

Test 2Fehling’s Reagent: Warm aldehyde with Fehling’s solution which is a blue solution.

Result: The blue solution produces a brick red precipitate.

Explanation: Fehling’s solution is an alkaline solution of copper (II) ions dissolved in ammonia.

The aldehyde is oxidised to make a carboxylic acid.

The blue Cu2+ ions are reduced to copper (1) oxide, which is a red precipitate.

Test 3 – Acidified Warm with acidified potassium dichromate solution

Result: Solution turns from orange solution to green solution

Explanation: The aldehyde is oxidised to a carboxylic acid. The orange chromate (VI) ions are reduced to green chromium (III) ions.

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Identifying Ketones

Test: Tollen’s solution, Fehling’s solution and acidified potassium chromate (VI) solution.

Result: No reaction occurs with Tollen’s solution, Fehling’s solution or potassium chromate (VI) solution

Explanation: Ketones are not able to reduce the Ag+ ions, the Cu2+ ions or the Cr6+ ions.

Identifying Carboxylic Acids

Test 1Limewater: Add a carbonate and bubble the gas produced through limewater.

Result: Effervescence is produced and bubbling the gas through limewater makes it turn cloudy.

Explanation: Carboxylic acids are strong enough acids to liberate carbon dioxide from carbonate ions.

Test 2Three Solutions: Warming with acidified potassium chromate (VI), Tollen’s solution, Fehling’s solution.

Result: No reaction occurs with with Tollen’s solution, Fehling’s solution or potassium chromate (VI) solution

Explanation: Carboxylic acids are not able to be oxidised further.

→What is Organic Analysis in A-Level Chemistry?

Organic Analysis is the process of identifying and determining the properties of organic compounds in A-Level Chemistry. It involves techniques such as spectroscopy, chromatography, and chemical reactions to determine the composition and structure of organic compounds.

→What are functional groups in A-Level Chemistry?

Functional groups in A-Level Chemistry are specific groups of atoms within an organic compound that are responsible for its chemical properties and reactivity. Common functional groups include alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, and amines.

→Why is the identification of functional groups important in A-Level Chemistry?

The identification of functional groups is important in A-Level Chemistry because it allows scientists to determine the properties and reactivity of an organic compound. Knowing the functional group present in a compound can also help predict its behavior in reactions, which is crucial for the development of new medicines and other products.

→How can functional groups be identified in A-Level Chemistry?

There are several methods for identifying functional groups in A-Level Chemistry, including:

Infrared Spectroscopy (IR): This technique involves using infrared light to detect the presence of functional groups based on their characteristic absorption patterns.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: This technique uses magnetic fields to determine the number and type of hydrogen atoms in a compound, which can be used to identify functional groups.
Chemical Reactions: This method involves performing specific chemical reactions on a compound to see how it reacts and identify the functional group present.

→What are some common functional groups in A-Level Chemistry?

Some common functional groups in A-Level Chemistry include:

Alcohols: Contains an -OH functional group
Aldehydes: Contains a carbonyl (-C=O) functional group
Ketones: Contains a carbonyl (-C=O) functional group, but with the carbonyl located between two carbon atoms
Carboxylic Acids: Contains a carbonyl (-C=O) functional group and a hydroxyl (-OH) functional group
Amines: Contains a nitrogen atom bonded to one, two, or three hydrogen atoms

→How does the presence of a functional group affect the reactivity of an organic compound in A-Level Chemistry?

The presence of a functional group can greatly affect the reactivity of an organic compound in A-Level Chemistry. Different functional groups have different chemical properties and reactivity, which can influence the outcome of a reaction. For example, alcohols are typically more reactive than alkanes, and carboxylic acids are more reactive than aldehydes.

→What are some real-world applications of functional group identification in A-Level Chemistry?

The identification of functional groups has several real-world applications in A-Level Chemistry, including:

Developing new medicines: Identifying functional groups in potential drug compounds can help predict their behavior in reactions and aid in the development of new medicines.
Quality control: Functional group analysis can be used to ensure the purity and composition of products, such as food additives and cosmetic ingredients.
Environmental monitoring: Functional group analysis can be used to monitor environmental pollution and the presence of contaminants in soil and water samples.

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