Organic Synthesis - Organic Synthesis: Aromatic Compounds (A-Level Chemistry)

Organic Synthesis: Aromatic Compounds

Synthesis of Aromatic Compounds

A-Level Chemistry exam boards requires you to know the synthesis of different organic compounds. The flow diagram below summarises the synthesis of each functional group in aromatic compounds.

Organic Synthesis: Aromatic Compounds
Organic Synthesis: Aromatic Compounds

Worked Example: Name the mechanisms and reaction conditions for each of the steps 1,2,3 and 4


Step 1: Nucleophilic addition elimination reaction with ethanoyl chloride at room temperature and pressure.

Step 2: Electrophilic substitution reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid producing the NO2+ electrophile.

Step 3: Hydrolysis of amide to make an amine.

Step 4: Reduction of nitro group to amine using tin and concentrated hydrochloric acid.

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