Polymers (A-level Biology)


Formation of Polymers

  • A condensation reaction involves release of water. A condensation reaction is the process by which monomers join together to produce polymers. In the process, there is removal of water (H2O), which enables formation of a covalent bond to link two monomers together.
  • A condensation reaction is a synthesis reaction. Synthesis reactions are specific chemical processes by which organic compounds (including biochemical compounds) are made.
A-level Biology - Biological Molecules
A-level Biology – Biological Molecules

Breakdown of Polymers 

  • Polymers put together by a condensation reaction can be broken down by hydrolysis. 
  • Hydrolysis involves addition of a water molecule. The addition of a water molecule breaks the covalent bond between two monomers (hydro = water, lysis = break down). 
  • Condensation and hydrolysis are opposite reactions.
A-level Biology - Biological Molecules
A-level Biology – Biological Molecules

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