CIE IGCSE - 1 Motion, forces & energy
Types of Waves (GCSE Physics)
Fluid Pressures Part 2 (GCSE Physics)
Fluid Pressures Part 1 (GCSE Physics)
Atmospheric Pressure (GCSE Physics)
Balancing Moments (GCSE Physics)
Levers & Gears (GCSE Physics)
Work Done in a Spring (GCSE Physics)
Changes in Momentum (GCSE Physics)
Forces and Elasticity (GCSE Physics)
Momentum (GCSE Physics)
CIE IGCSE - 2 Thermal Physics
Pressure in Gases (GCSE Physics)
Specific Latent Heat Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Specific Heat Capacity Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Changes in Thermal Energy (GCSE Physics)
Energy of Particles (GCSE Physics)
Changes of State (GCSE Physics)
Movement of Particles (GCSE Physics)
Solids, Liquids and Gases (GCSE Physics)
Energy Resources: Heating (GCSE Physics)
Thermal Radiation (GCSE Physics)
CIE IGCSE - 3 Waves
Magnification (GCSE Physics)
Convex & Concave Lenses (GCSE Physics)
Visible Light and Colours (GCSE Physics)
Appearance of Objects (GCSE Physics)
Producing and Absorbing Radio Waves (GCSE Physics)
Dangers of Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Applications of Electromagnetic Waves (GCSE Physics)
Electromagnetic Spectrum (GCSE Physics)
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves (GCSE Physics)
Frequency Range (GCSE Physics)
CIE IGCSE - 4 Electricity & magnetism
Power Input & Output (GCSE Physics)
Ratio of Potential Differences (GCSE Physics)
Step Up & Step Down Transformers(GCSE Physics)
Transformers (GCSE Physics)
Induced Potential & the Generator Effect(GCSE Physics)
Electric Motors (GCSE Physics)
Fleming’s Left Hand Rule (GCSE Physics)
Electromagnetism (GCSE Physics)
Magnetic Fields (GCSE Physics)
Poles of a Magnet (GCSE Physics)
CIE IGCSE - 5 Nuclear Physics
Associated Hazards and Precautions (GCSE Physics)
Nuclear Fusion (GCSE Physics)
Nuclear Fission (GCSE Physics)
Evaluation of Uses (GCSE Physics)
Uses of Nuclear Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Background Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Radioactive Irradiation and Contamination (GCSE Physics)
Deflection (GCSE Physics)
Penetration and Ionisation (GCSE Physics)
Alpha, Beta and Gamma (GCSE Physics)
CIE IGCSE - 6 Space Physics
Edexcel 1 Key Concepts of Physics
Edexcel 10 Static electricity
Structure of an Atom (GCSE Physics)
Transporting Electrical Energy (GCSE Physics)
Dangers of Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Mains Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Power: Work Done (GCSE Physics)
Alternating and Direct Potential Difference (GCSE Physics)
Power: Current and Resistance (GCSE Physics)
Power: Current and Potential Difference (GCSE Physics)
Transfers of Energy (GCSE Physics)
Circuit Components (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 11 Magnetism and the motor effect
Sparks (GCSE Physics)
Drawing Electric Field Patterns (GCSE Physics)
Electric Fields (GCSE Physics)
Static Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Charged Objects (GCSE Physics)
Dangers of Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 12 Particle model
Electric Motors (GCSE Physics)
Fleming’s Left Hand Rule (GCSE Physics)
Electromagnetism (GCSE Physics)
Magnetic Fields (GCSE Physics)
Poles of a Magnet (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 2 Motion and Forces
Balancing Moments (GCSE Physics)
Momentum (GCSE Physics)
Conservation of Momentum (GCSE Physics)
Factors Affecting Braking Distance (GCSE Physics)
Newton’s Third Law (GCSE Physics)
Stopping Distance (GCSE Physics)
Reaction Time (GCSE Physics)
Newton’s First Law (GCSE Physics)
Newton’s Second Law (GCSE Physics)
Terminal Velocity (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 3 Conservation of Energy
Energy Resources: Trends in Usage (GCSE Physics)
Non-renewable Energy Sources (GCSE Physics)
Renewable Energy Sources (GCSE Physics)
Energy Resources: Electricity Generation (GCSE Physics)
Energy Resources: Transport (GCSE Physics)
Energy Resources: Heating (GCSE Physics)
Reducing Energy Waste (GCSE Physics)
Efficiency (GCSE Physics)
The Law of Conservation of Energy (GCSE Physics)
Energy Changes in a System (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 4 Waves
Frequency Range (GCSE Physics)
Waves for Detection & Exploration(GCSE Physics)
The Ear (GCSE Physics)
Sound Waves Through Solids (GCSE Physics)
Measuring the Speed: Water Waves (GCSE Physics)
Measuring the Speed: Sound Waves (GCSE Physics)
Wave Speed (GCSE Physics)
Ray Diagrams (GCSE Physics)
Transmission: Reflection (GCSE Physics)
Transmission: Refraction (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 5 Light & the electromagnetic spectrum
Temperature of the Earth (GCSE Physics)
Radiation and Temperature (GCSE Physics)
Perfect Black Bodies (GCSE Physics)
Magnification (GCSE Physics)
Appearance of Objects (GCSE Physics)
Visible Light and Colours (GCSE Physics)
Convex & Concave Lenses (GCSE Physics)
Dangers of Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Producing and Absorbing Radio Waves (GCSE Physics)
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 6 Radioactivity
Associated Hazards and Precautions (GCSE Physics)
Fusion in Stars (GCSE Physics)
Nuclear Fusion (GCSE Physics)
Chain Reactions (GCSE Physics)
Nuclear Fission (GCSE Physics)
Evaluation of Uses (GCSE Physics)
Risks of Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Uses of Nuclear Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Measuring Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Radiation Dose (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 7 Astronomy
Observations and Questions (GCSE Physics)
Receding Galaxies (GCSE Physics)
Red-Shift (GCSE Physics)
Big Bang Theory (GCSE Physics)
Life Cycle of a Star (GCSE Physics)
Formation of Stars (GCSE Physics)
Comparing Types of Orbits (GCSE Physics)
Gravity & Orbits (GCSE Physics)
Orbital Motion (GCSE Physics)
Our Solar System (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 8 Energy
Energy Transfers (GCSE Physics)
Work Done (GCSE Physics)
Energy Resources: Transport (GCSE Physics)
Efficiency (GCSE Physics)
The Law of Conservation of Energy (GCSE Physics)
Work Done (GCSE Physics)
Energy Changes in a System (GCSE Physics)
Calculating Power (GCSE Physics)
Power (GCSE Physics)
Using the Gravitational Potential Energy Equation (GCSE Physics)
Edexcel 9 Electricity and circuits
Levers & Gears (GCSE Physics)
Balancing Moments (GCSE Physics)
Velocity (GCSE Physics)
Resolving Parallel & Non-Parallel Forces (GCSE Physics)
Forces in Equilibrium (GCSE Physics)
Vector Diagrams (GCSE Physics)
Free Body Diagram Examples (GCSE Physics)
Types of Forces (GCSE Physics)
Scalar & Vector Quantities (GCSE Physics)
Drawing Vector Diagrams (GCSE Physics)
OCR 1.1 The Particle Model
Charge, Mass Number & Atomic Number (GCSE Physics)
Structure of an Atom (GCSE Physics)
Development of the Atomic Model Part 2 (GCSE Physics)
Development of the Atomic Model Part 1 (GCSE Physics)
Investigating Density (GCSE Physics)
Density Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Density (GCSE Physics)
Solids, Liquids and Gases (GCSE Physics)
OCR 1.2 Changes of state
Specific Latent Heat Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Specific Heat Capacity Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Changes in Thermal Energy (GCSE Physics)
Energy of Particles (GCSE Physics)
Changes of State (GCSE Physics)
Changes in Thermal Energy (GCSE Physics)
OCR 1.3 Pressure
Fluid Pressures Part 2 (GCSE Physics)
Atmospheric Pressure (GCSE Physics)
Earth’s Atmosphere (GCSE Physics)
Pressure in Gases (GCSE Physics)
OCR 2.1 Motion
Calculating Distance Travelled (GCSE Physics)
Velocity-Time Graphs (GCSE Physics)
Uniform Acceleration Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Uniform Acceleration (GCSE Physics)
Acceleration (GCSE Physics)
Curved Distance-Time Graphs (GCSE Physics)
Distance-Time Graph Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Distance-Time Relationship (GCSE Physics)
Non-Uniform Motion (GCSE Physics)
Speed Calculation Examples (GCSE Physics)
OCR 2.2 Newton’s Laws
Changes in Momentum (GCSE Physics)
Momentum (GCSE Physics)
Conservation of Momentum (GCSE Physics)
Newton’s Third Law (GCSE Physics)
Newton’s First Law (GCSE Physics)
Newton’s Second Law (GCSE Physics)
Terminal Velocity (GCSE Physics)
Velocity-Time Graphs (GCSE Physics)
Acceleration (GCSE Physics)
Velocity (GCSE Physics)
OCR 2.3 Forces in Action
Fluid Pressures Part 1 (GCSE Physics)
Levers & Gears (GCSE Physics)
Balancing Moments (GCSE Physics)
Work Done in a Spring (GCSE Physics)
Forces and Elasticity (GCSE Physics)
Terminal Velocity (GCSE Physics)
Weight and Mass (GCSE Physics)
Gravitational Field Strength (GCSE Physics)
Weight and Gravity (GCSE Physics)
OCR 3.1 Static and charge
Sparks (GCSE Physics)
Electric Fields (GCSE Physics)
More on Static Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Charging Materials (GCSE Physics)
Static Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Charged Objects (GCSE Physics)
Series and Parallel Circuits (GCSE Physics)
Charge Flow Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Current (GCSE Physics)
Electrical Charge (GCSE Physics)
OCR 3.2 Simple circuits
Power: Work Done (GCSE Physics)
Alternating and Direct Potential Difference (GCSE Physics)
Power: Current and Resistance (GCSE Physics)
Power: Current and Potential Difference (GCSE Physics)
Circuit Components (GCSE Physics)
Series and Parallel Circuits (GCSE Physics)
Investigating Current-Voltage Characteristics (GCSE Physics)
Thermistors and LDRs (GCSE Physics)
Resistance (GCSE Physics)
Current-Voltage Graphs (GCSE Physics)
OCR 4.1 Magnets and magnetic fields
OCR 4.2 Uses of magnetism
Ratio of Potential Differences (GCSE Physics)
Transformers (GCSE Physics)
Microphones (GCSE Physics)
Loudspeakers (GCSE Physics)
Induced Potential & the Generator Effect(GCSE Physics)
Electric Motors (GCSE Physics)
Fleming’s Left Hand Rule (GCSE Physics)
Electromagnetism (GCSE Physics)
OCR 5.1 Wave Behaviour
Waves for Detection & Exploration(GCSE Physics)
Frequency Range (GCSE Physics)
The Ear (GCSE Physics)
Sound Waves Through Solids (GCSE Physics)
Measuring the Speed: Water Waves (GCSE Physics)
Measuring the Speed: Sound Waves (GCSE Physics)
Wave Speed (GCSE Physics)
Transmission: Reflection (GCSE Physics)
Transmission: Refraction (GCSE Physics)
Waves at Boundaries (GCSE Physics)
OCR 5.2 The Electromagnetic spectrum
Visible Light and Colours (GCSE Physics)
Dangers of Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Producing and Absorbing Radio Waves (GCSE Physics)
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves (GCSE Physics)
Electromagnetic Spectrum (GCSE Physics)
Applications of Electromagnetic Waves (GCSE Physics)
OCR 5.3 Wave Interactions
Radiation and Temperature (GCSE Physics)
Magnification (GCSE Physics)
Visible Light and Colours (GCSE Physics)
Convex & Concave Lenses (GCSE Physics)
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves (GCSE Physics)
Ray Diagrams (GCSE Physics)
Transmission: Reflection (GCSE Physics)
Transmission: Refraction (GCSE Physics)
Waves at Boundaries (GCSE Physics)
OCR 6.1 Radioactive Emissions
Penetration and Ionisation (GCSE Physics)
Alpha, Beta and Gamma (GCSE Physics)
Types of Nuclear Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Radioactive Decay & Half Life (GCSE Physics)
Spectrums (GCSE Physics)
Electromagnetic Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Ionisation (GCSE Physics)
Charge, Mass Number & Atomic Number (GCSE Physics)
Isotopes (GCSE Physics)
OCR 6.2 Radioactivity - Uses and hazards
Associated Hazards and Precautions (GCSE Physics)
Chain Reactions (GCSE Physics)
Nuclear Fusion (GCSE Physics)
Nuclear Fission (GCSE Physics)
Evaluation of Uses (GCSE Physics)
Uses of Nuclear Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Radioactive Irradiation and Contamination (GCSE Physics)
OCR 7.1 Work Done
The Law of Conservation of Energy (GCSE Physics)
Work Done (GCSE Physics)
Work Done and Power (GCSE Physics)
Energy Changes in a System (GCSE Physics)
GCSE Specific Heat Capacity
The Elastic Potential Energy Equation (GCSE Physics)
Elastic Potential Energy (GCSE Physics)
Linking the KE and GPE (GCSE Physics)
Using the Gravitational Potential Energy Equation (GCSE Physics)
Gravitational Potential Energy (GCSE Physics)
OCR 7.2 Power and Efficiency
Energy Resources: Heating (GCSE Physics)
Reducing Energy Waste (GCSE Physics)
Power Efficiency (GCSE Physics)
Efficiency (GCSE Physics)
The Law of Conservation of Energy (GCSE Physics)
Energy Transfers in Electronic Appliances (GCSE Physics)
Comparing the Rate of Energy Transfer (GCSE Physics)
OCR 8.1 Physics on the move
Factors Affecting Braking Distance (GCSE Physics)
Reaction Time (GCSE Physics)
Stopping Distance (GCSE Physics)
Newton’s Second Law (GCSE Physics)
Acceleration (GCSE Physics)
Speed Values (GCSE Physics)
OCR 8.2 Powering Earth
Transformers (GCSE Physics)
Transporting Electrical Energy (GCSE Physics)
Dangers of Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Mains Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Alternating and Direct Potential Difference (GCSE Physics)
Energy Resources: Trends in Usage (GCSE Physics)
Non-renewable Energy Sources (GCSE Physics)
Renewable Energy Sources (GCSE Physics)
OCR 8.3 Beyond Earth
Red-Shift (GCSE Physics)
Big Bang Theory (GCSE Physics)
Life Cycle of a Star (GCSE Physics)
Formation of Stars (GCSE Physics)
Gravity & Orbits (GCSE Physics)
Orbital Motion (GCSE Physics)
Our Solar System (GCSE Physics)
The Solar System Over Time(GCSE Physics)
Temperature of the Earth (GCSE Physics)
Radiation and Temperature (GCSE Physics)
Pearson IGCSE - 1 Forces & motion
Balancing Moments (GCSE Physics)
Work Done in a Spring (GCSE Physics)
Changes in Momentum (GCSE Physics)
Forces and Elasticity (GCSE Physics)
Momentum (GCSE Physics)
Conservation of Momentum (GCSE Physics)
Factors Affecting Braking Distance (GCSE Physics)
Newton’s Third Law (GCSE Physics)
Reaction Time (GCSE Physics)
Stopping Distance (GCSE Physics)
Pearson IGCSE - 2 Electricity
Radiation and Temperature (GCSE Physics)
Perfect Black Bodies (GCSE Physics)
Charging Materials (GCSE Physics)
Static Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Charged Objects (GCSE Physics)
Dangers of Electricity (GCSE Physics)
Power: Work Done (GCSE Physics)
Alternating and Direct Potential Difference (GCSE Physics)
Power: Current and Potential Difference (GCSE Physics)
Series and Parallel Circuits (GCSE Physics)
Pearson IGCSE - 3 Waves
Dangers of Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Applications of Electromagnetic Waves (GCSE Physics)
Electromagnetic Spectrum (GCSE Physics)
Properties of Electromagnetic Waves (GCSE Physics)
Frequency Range (GCSE Physics)
The Ear (GCSE Physics)
Sound Waves Through Solids (GCSE Physics)
Measuring the Speed: Water Waves (GCSE Physics)
Measuring the Speed: Sound Waves (GCSE Physics)
Wave Speed (GCSE Physics)
Pearson IGCSE - 4 Energy resources & transfers
Non-renewable Energy Sources (GCSE Physics)
Energy Resources: Electricity Generation (GCSE Physics)
Renewable Energy Sources (GCSE Physics)
Efficiency (GCSE Physics)
Reducing Energy Waste (GCSE Physics)
Energy Resources: Heating (GCSE Physics)
Thermal Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Thermal Convection (GCSE Physics)
Thermal Conduction (GCSE Physics)
The Law of Conservation of Energy (GCSE Physics)
Pearson IGCSE - 5 Solids, liquids, gases
Fluid Pressures Part 2 (GCSE Physics)
Fluid Pressures Part 1 (GCSE Physics)
Pressure in Gases (GCSE Physics)
Heating and Cooling Graphs (GCSE Physics)
Specific Heat Capacity Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Changes in Thermal Energy (GCSE Physics)
Energy of Particles (GCSE Physics)
Changes of State (GCSE Physics)
Investigating Density (GCSE Physics)
Density Calculations (GCSE Physics)
Pearson IGCSE - 6 Magnetism & electromagnetism
Power Input & Output (GCSE Physics)
Step Up & Step Down Transformers(GCSE Physics)
Ratio of Potential Differences (GCSE Physics)
Transformers (GCSE Physics)
Loudspeakers (GCSE Physics)
Induced Potential & the Generator Effect(GCSE Physics)
Electric Motors (GCSE Physics)
Fleming’s Left Hand Rule (GCSE Physics)
Electromagnetism (GCSE Physics)
Magnetic Fields (GCSE Physics)
Pearson IGCSE - 7 Radioactivity and particles
Associated Hazards and Precautions (GCSE Physics)
Fusion in Stars (GCSE Physics)
Nuclear Fusion (GCSE Physics)
Chain Reactions (GCSE Physics)
Nuclear Fission (GCSE Physics)
Evaluation of Uses (GCSE Physics)
Risks of Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Uses of Nuclear Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Measuring Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Background Radiation (GCSE Physics)
Pearson IGCSE - 8 Astrophysics
Receding Galaxies (GCSE Physics)
Red-Shift (GCSE Physics)
Big Bang Theory (GCSE Physics)
Life Cycle of a Star (GCSE Physics)
Formation of Stars (GCSE Physics)
Comparing Types of Orbits (GCSE Physics)
Orbital Speed (GCSE Physics)
Gravity & Orbits (GCSE Physics)
Orbital Motion (GCSE Physics)
Our Solar System (GCSE Physics)
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