CIE A-level Biology Revision Notes
These CIE A-Level Biology revision notes have been compiled to include each topic on the Cambridge International exam. Whether you want to read them all or dip in for a quick recap, these notes will give your revision a boost!
CIE 1 Cell structure
Roles of ATP (A-level Biology)
ATP as an Energy Source (A-level Biology)
The Synthesis and Hydrolysis of ATP (A-level Biology)
The Structure of ATP (A-level Biology)
Magnification and Resolution (A-level Biology)
Calculating Cell Size (A-level Biology)
Studying Cells: Confocal Microscopes (A-level Biology)
Studying Cells: Electron Microscopes (A-level Biology)
Studying Cells: Light Microscopes (A-level Biology)
Life Cycle and Replication of Viruses (A-level Biology)
CIE 2 Biological molecules
Properties of Water (A-level Biology)
Structure of Water (A-level Biology)
Test for Lipids and Proteins (A-level Biology)
Tests for Carbohydrates (A-level Biology)
Protein Structures: Globular and Fibrous Proteins (A-level Biology)
Protein Structures: Tertiary and Quaternary Structures (A-level Biology)
Protein Structures: Primary and Secondary Structures (A-level Biology)
Protein Formation (A-level Biology)
Proteins and Amino Acids: An Introduction (A-level Biology)
Phospholipid Bilayer (A-level Biology)
CIE 3 Enzymes
CIE 4 Cell membranes and transport
Transport Across Membranes: Active Transport (A-level Biology)
Investigating Transport Across Membranes (A-level Biology)
Transport Across Membranes: Osmosis (A-level Biology)
Transport Across Membranes: Diffusion (A-level Biology)
Signalling Across Cell Membranes (A-level Biology)
Function of Cell Membrane (A-level Biology)
Factors Affecting Cell Membrane Structure (A-level Biology)
Structure of Cell Membranes (A-level Biology)
CIE 5 The mitotic cell cycle
CIE 6 Nucleic acids and protein synthesis
Transfer RNA (A-level Biology)
Transcription (A-level Biology)
Messenger RNA (A-level Biology)
Introducing the Genetic Code (A-level Biology)
Genes and Protein Synthesis (A-level Biology)
Synthesising Proteins from DNA (A-level Biology)
Structure of RNA (A-level Biology)
DNA Replication (A-level Biology)
DNA Structure and The Double Helix (A-level Biology)
Polynucleotides (A-level Biology)
CIE 7 Transport in plants
Translocation and Evidence of the Mass Flow Hypothesis (A-level Biology)
The Phloem (A-level Biology)
Importance of and Evidence for Transpiration (A-level Biology)
Introduction to Transpiration (A-level Biology)
The Pathway and Movement of Water into the Roots and Xylem (A-level Biology)
The Xylem (A-level Biology)
CIE 8 Transport in mammals
CIE 9 Gas exchange and smoking
Lung Disease (A-level Biology)
Pulmonary Ventilation Rate (A-level Biology)
Ventilation (A-level Biology)
Structure of the Lungs (A-level Biology)
General Features of Exchange Surfaces (A-level Biology)
Understanding Surface Area to Volume Ratio (A-level Biology)
The Need for Exchange Surfaces (A-level Biology)
CIE 10 Infectious disease
CIE 11 Immunity
CIE 12 Energy and respiration
Anaerobic Respiration in Mammals, Plants and Fungi (A-level Biology)
Anaerobic Respiration (A-level Biology)
Oxidative Phosphorylation and Chemiosmosis (A-level Biology)
Oxidative Phosphorylation and the Electron Transport Chain (A-level Biology)
The Krebs Cycle (A-level Biology)
The Link Reaction (A-level Biology)
The Stages and Products of Glycolysis (A-level Biology)
Glycolysis (A-level Biology)
The Structure of Mitochondria (A-level Biology)
The Need for Cellular Respiration (A-level Biology)
CIE 13 Photosynthesis
CIE 14 Homeostasis
CIE 15 Control and co-ordination
The Nervous System (A-level Biology)
Sources of ATP During Contraction (A-level Biology)
The Ultrastructure of the Sarcomere During Contraction (A-level Biology)
The Role of Troponin and Tropomyosin (A-level Biology)
The Structure of Myofibrils (A-level Biology)
Slow and Fast Twitch Muscles (A-level Biology)
The Structure of Mammalian Muscles (A-level Biology)
How Muscles Allow Movement (A-level Biology)
The Neuromuscular Junction (A-level Biology)
Features of Synapses (A-level Biology)
CIE 16 Inherited change
CIE 17 Selection and evolution
CIE 18 Biodiversity, classification and conservation
Biodiversity and Gene Technology (A-level Biology)
Factors Affecting Biodiversity (A-level Biology)
Biodiversity Calculations (A-level Biology)
Introducing Biodiversity (A-level Biology)
The Three Domain System (A-level Biology)
Phylogeny and Classification (A-level Biology)
Classifying Organisms (A-level Biology)
What is included in the CIE A-Level Biology exam?
Students will be tested on the AS Level content, plus additional topics: Energy and respiration, Photosynthesis, Homeostasis, Control and coordination, Inheritance, Selection and evolution, Classification, biodiversity and conservation, Genetic technology.
How long is the CIE A-Level Biology exam?
In the second year of studies, students will be required to sit two papers. Paper 4 has a maximum time of 2 hours and will require students to answer structured questions. Paper 5 has a maximum time of 1 hour and 15 minutes and requires students to answer questions based on the practical skills of planning, analysis and evaluation.
How should I revise for the CIE A-Level Biology exam?
Whether it's using A-Level Biology revision notes, flashcards or audio recordings, you should revise however you feel is more effective. Whatever it is, you should make sure that you are actively engaging in the revision rather than passively watching or reading information and not retaining it.
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