Terminal Velocity on Graphs (GCSE Physics)

Terminal Velocity on Graphs

Velocity-Time Graphs for Terminal Velocity

Terminal Velocity on Graphs
Terminal Velocity on Graphs
  1. Velocity slowly increases. On the graph, you can see that the velocity is slowly increasing as time goes on.
  2. The increase in velocity decreases. As you can see from the curve, it is starting to level off. This shows us that the increase in the velocity is getting less and less.
  3. Terminal velocity is reached. The graph levels off, meaning that the object is travelling at a constant velocity. This is the point at which the object has reach terminal velocity.

Forces Involved with Terminal Velocity

There are two main forces involved with terminal velocity:

  • Weight – the weight of the object is a force that acts downwards due to gravity. The heavier the mass of the object, the higher the weight on earth. This force will lead to the object falling through the fluid.
  • Air resistance or drag – as the object falls through the fluid, it will experience forces that oppose its motion. If the object is falling through a liquid, this force is called a drag force. If the object is falling through air, then the force is called air resistance. As the object falls faster and faster, the opposing forces will start to get larger. This will decrease the acceleration of the object, eventually leading to a constant velocity.


→What is terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity is the maximum velocity that an object can attain when it is falling through a fluid, such as air or water. Once an object reaches terminal velocity, the force of friction from the fluid is equal to the force of gravity, and the object will fall at a constant velocity.

→Why is terminal velocity important in physics?

Terminal velocity is important in physics because it allows us to understand how objects fall through fluids and how they will behave once they reach a certain velocity. This information is useful for a variety of applications, including air and water resistance, sports science, and engineering design.

→How can we measure terminal velocity?

Terminal velocity can be measured by tracking the velocity of an object as it falls through a fluid, such as air or water. This can be done using sensors, such as accelerometers or velocity probes, and the data can be displayed on a graph to show how the velocity changes over time.

→What is a velocity-time graph and how is it used to study terminal velocity?

A velocity-time graph is a graph that shows the velocity of an object over time. This graph can be used to study terminal velocity by tracking the velocity of an object as it falls through a fluid and plotting the data on a graph. The terminal velocity of an object can be determined by finding the maximum velocity on the graph and the time it takes to reach this velocity.

→How does the shape of a velocity-time graph change as an object approaches terminal velocity?

As an object approaches terminal velocity, the shape of its velocity-time graph will change. Initially, the velocity of the object will increase rapidly as it falls, but as it approaches terminal velocity, the velocity will slow down and level off at a constant value. This is reflected on the graph as a slope that becomes shallower and eventually levels off at a horizontal line.

→Why does terminal velocity depend on the size and shape of an object?

Terminal velocity depends on the size and shape of an object because these factors determine the amount of friction that the object will experience as it falls through a fluid. Objects with a larger surface area will experience more friction than objects with a smaller surface area, and objects with a more streamlined shape will experience less friction than objects with a less streamlined shape.

→How does terminal velocity affect the behavior of objects in real-world situations?

Terminal velocity affects the behavior of objects in real-world situations in several ways. For example, it affects the speed at which an object will fall to the ground, as well as the amount of air resistance that it will experience. Understanding terminal velocity is important for design and engineering applications, such as designing parachutes and other objects that are designed to slow down an object’s descent.

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