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OCR A-level Chemistry Revision Notes

Our OCR A-Level Chemistry revision notes have been split into categories to make it easy to dive into the topics you feel you need to revise. Covering all topics, these bite-sized A Level chemistry OCR revision notes include simple explanations and images to make it easier to digest even the trickiest of concepts.

OCR 6.2.1 Amines

Amines – Introduction to Amines (A-Level Chemistry)


Read some of our most frequently asked questions and answers

How should I use the OCR A-Level Chemistry revision notes?

There is no right way to revise for your exams. Our chemistry A Level revision notes OCR give you a comprehensive guide to all topics covered in the exams. You can choose to dip into them for a quick recap or use them as a base to write your own notes.

What is covered in the OCR A-Level Chemistry exam?

There are 6 modules that are assessed in the exams: Development of practical skills in chemistry, Foundations in chemistry, Periodic table and energy, Core organic chemistry, Physical chemistry and transition elements, and Organic chemistry and analysis. Use our OCR A Level chemistry revision notes to complement your revision.

How long is the OCR A-Level Chemistry exam?

Students are required to sit three papers. Paper 1: Periodic table, elements and physical chemistry and Paper 2:Synthesis and analytical techniques are both 2 hours and 15 minutes long. They carry a weighting of 37% of your final score. Paper 3: Unified chemistry is 1 hour and 30 minutes long and carries a weighting of 26%. Students are also required to pass a practical endorsement in chemistry but this is done in class and not as an exam.

Is it possible to just use the OCR chemistry A Level revision notes?

While the revision notes are a good tool to support revision, we recommend using them alongside other methods, such as your own notes, flashcards and other websites, including BBC Bitesize.