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OCR A-level Chemistry Revision Notes

Our OCR A-Level Chemistry revision notes have been split into categories to make it easy to dive into the topics you feel you need to revise. Covering all topics, these bite-sized A Level chemistry OCR revision notes include simple explanations and images to make it easier to digest even the trickiest of concepts.


Read some of our most frequently asked questions and answers

How should I use the OCR A-Level Chemistry revision notes?

There is no right way to revise for your exams. Our chemistry A Level revision notes OCR give you a comprehensive guide to all topics covered in the exams. You can choose to dip into them for a quick recap or use them as a base to write your own notes.

What is covered in the OCR A-Level Chemistry exam?

There are 6 modules that are assessed in the exams: Development of practical skills in chemistry, Foundations in chemistry, Periodic table and energy, Core organic chemistry, Physical chemistry and transition elements, and Organic chemistry and analysis. Use our OCR A Level chemistry revision notes to complement your revision.

How long is the OCR A-Level Chemistry exam?

Students are required to sit three papers. Paper 1: Periodic table, elements and physical chemistry and Paper 2:Synthesis and analytical techniques are both 2 hours and 15 minutes long. They carry a weighting of 37% of your final score. Paper 3: Unified chemistry is 1 hour and 30 minutes long and carries a weighting of 26%. Students are also required to pass a practical endorsement in chemistry but this is done in class and not as an exam.

Is it possible to just use the OCR chemistry A Level revision notes?

While the revision notes are a good tool to support revision, we recommend using them alongside other methods, such as your own notes, flashcards and other websites, including BBC Bitesize.