Edexcel Pearson IGCSE Biology Revision Notes
Edexcel IGCSE 1 - The nature and variety of living organisms
Types of Diseases – Viral Diseases: HIV (GCSE Biology)
Types of Diseases – Sexually Transmitted Infections (GCSE Biology)
Types of Diseases – Viral Diseases:TMV, Measles and Ebola (GCSE Biology)
Types of Diseases – Fungal and Protist Diseases (GCSE Biology)
Pathogens, Disease and Transmission – Pathogens Leading to Disease (GCSE Biology)
Introduction to Cells – Bacterial Cells (GCSE Biology)
Introduction to Cells – Animal and Plant Cells (GCSE Biology)
Introduction to Cells – Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes (GCSE Biology)
Edexcel IGCSE 2 - Structure and functions in living organisms
Plant Hormones – Tropisms: Phototropism & Geotropism (GCSE Biology)
Hormones in Human Reproduction – Puberty and Hormones (GCSE Biology)
Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Anti-Diuretic Hormone (GCSE Biology)
Osmoregulation & The Kidney – The Kidneys and Excretion (GCSE Biology)
Osmoregulation & The Kidney – Osmoregulation (GCSE Biology)
Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Increasing and Decreasing Blood Glucose Levels (GCSE Biology)
Control of Blood Glucose Concentration – Blood Glucose Homeostasis (GCSE Biology)
Homeostasis – Increasing and Decreasing Body Temperature (GCSE Biology)
Homeostasis – An Introduction (GCSE Biology)
Homeostasis – Thermoregulation (GCSE Biology)
Edexcel IGCSE 3 - Reproduction and inheritance
Development and Understanding of Evolution – Evidence for Evolution: Resistant Bacteria (GCSE Biology)
Development and Understanding of Evolution – Theory of Evolution: Darwin and Lamarck (GCSE Biology)
Variation – Evolution and Natural Selection (GCSE Biology)
Variation – Variation and Its Causes (GCSE Biology)
Meiosis – Mitosis and Meiosis (GCSE Biology)
Inheritance – Sex Determination (GCSE Biology)
Inheritance – Genetic Diagrams (GCSE Biology)
Inheritance – Genes and Inheritance (GCSE Biology)
Asexual and Sexual Reproduction – (GCSE Biology)
DNA – Mutations (GCSE Biology)
Edexcel IGCSE 4 - Ecology and the environment
REARRANGED ORDER – Deforestation (GCSE Biology)
REARRANGED ORDER – Pollution and Global Warming (GCSE Biology)
Biodiversity – (GCSE Biology)
Cycles – Decomposition & The Nitrogen Cycle (GCSE Biology)
Cycles – Cycles & The Carbon Cycle (GCSE Biology)
Organisation & Trophic Levels – Transfer of Biomass (GCSE Biology)
Organisation & Trophic Levels – Pyramids of Biomass (GCSE Biology)
Organisation & Trophic Levels – Quadrat and Transect Sampling (GCSE Biology)
Organisation & Trophic Levels – Trophic Levels & Food Chains (GCSE Biology)
Ecosystems – Biotic Factors (GCSE Biology)
Edexcel IGCSE 5 - Use of biological resources
Food Security – Sustainable Fisheries (GCSE Biology)
Biotechnology – Biotechnology & GM Foods (GCSE Biology)
Food Security – Farming Techniques (GCSE Biology)
Food Security – Food Production & Security (GCSE Biology)
Variation – Cloning (GCSE Biology)
Variation – Genetic Engineering (GCSE Biology)
Variation – Selective Breeding (GCSE Biology)
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