Explain which drama techniques you used in your piece and why.

We chose to use a technique called Verbatim during several sections of our final piece. Verbatim is a technique which utilizes quotes from real life stories or documented events to increase the believability of dialogue within plays. We decided to apply this technique to one of our scenes showing a protest outside of the parliamentary building in London. The protest occurred in March last year to oppose the sexual harassment women are subject, specifically in the film and TV industry. Using quotes from the protest, which was documented by several news platforms, enhanced our dialogue in the scene and heightened our chances of receiving sympathy from the audience.
Additionally, we applied layers of sound in the scene in order to set the atmosphere as loud and crowed. This was effectively done by overlapping the lines/quotes which were spoken during the protest scene, as well as adding in silent pauses and short, loud outbursts. The levels of loud and quite, coupled with the layering of quotes worked really well to portray the feelings of the protestors and create that tense and frustrated effect.

What are drama techniques?

Drama techniques are tools or strategies used in theatre and drama to create a specific effect or achieve a particular objective. These techniques can include elements such as character development, staging, lighting, and sound.

Why are drama techniques important?

Drama techniques are important because they help to create a more engaging and impactful performance. They allow actors and directors to communicate specific messages and emotions to the audience and can help to bring a story to life.

What are some common drama techniques?

Some common drama techniques include improvisation, role-playing, character development, script analysis, staging, lighting, and sound design.

How do drama techniques contribute to the overall effect of a performance?

Drama techniques contribute to the overall effect of a performance by creating a more immersive and engaging experience for the audience. They can help to communicate specific messages or emotions and can enhance the impact of a particular scene or moment in the performance.

How do you choose which drama techniques to use in a performance?

The choice of drama techniques used in a performance will depend on a variety of factors, including the context of the piece, the intended message or emotion, and the overall vision of the director. Different techniques may be more effective for different scenes or moments in the performance.

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