The Importance and Growth of Multinational Companies 

The ultimate goal for a growing business that wants to increase the scale of its operations is to compete abroad as Multinational companies or MNCs. 

Growth of Multinational Companies 

There are a number of reasons that businesses become MNCs, they generally include: 

  • Increased market share 
  • Cheaper production costs 
  • Economies of scale -many companies are developed into multinationals which allows them to enjoy lower costs.
  • Avoiding barriers to trade 
  • Potential government grants and other funding 

Benefits to a business becoming a Multinational 

  • Wider/larger consumer base 

Most firms reach a product of market saturation – in a product life-cycle, a large firm has very limited scope for growing sales in an economy. Selling abroad enables a much greater consumer base and opens up new possibilities to increase sales. 

  • Avoid Trade Barriers 

One of the benefits of becoming a multinational is that trade barriers can be avoided. Since multinationals are prepared to set up operations in other countries, they can overcome/bypass trade barriers by establishing operations in those countries that have barriers in place 

  • Access to lower production costs 

Setting up production in other countries, especially in developing economies, usually translates to spending significantly less on production costs. Though outsourcing is a way of achieving the objective, setting up manufacturing plants in other countries may be even more cost-efficient. 

  • Higher Profile 

As business grows to international companies, they can get a better market profile. Large companies have strong, recognisable brands. For instance, Microsoft, Apple, McDonalds, Google. 

  • Lower Taxes 

Multinationals can reduce tax they pay on their profits by basing their head office in countries where taxes are lower. 

Benefits and Drawbacks of Multinationals to a Country/Economy 

Advantages Disadvantages 

Creation of more jobs/employment levels Introducing new technologies Contributing to overall economic growth Lack of accountability, the domestic country is weak to handle MNC’s. Increased consumer choice and quality of goodsSometimes, profits do not stay in the country. It goes back to the host country (repatriation).Environmental damage Exploitation of labour (in less developed countries) Lack of accountability, the domestic country is weak to handle MNC’s. Sometimes, profits do not stay in the country. It goes back to the host country (repatriation).

Exploitation – a situation in which you treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but give them very little in return. 

Repatriation – where a multinational returns the profits from an overseas venture to the country where it is based, typically from a developing country.

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