Population Structure

CIE iGCSE Geography Assessment

Population structure
Candidates should be able to:Identify and give reasons for and implications of different types of population Further GuidanceAge/sex pyramids of countries at different levels of economic development
Case Study required for 1.3A country with a high dependent population

case study used: Japan


Population pyramid: a graph which shows the age/gender population structure of a place

Economically active population: people who support the economy through labour

Dependent population: people over the age of 65 who do not work and rely on economically active people for services

Birth rate: number of babies born every year per 1000 people

Death rate: number of deaths every year per 1000 people

High Dependent Population vs Normal Distribution

iGCSE Geography revision notes,Population Structure
iGCSE Geography revision notes,Population Structure
Low birth rateIncreased life expectancyShortage of economically active people Rise in tax from 5% to 8% to pay for aging populationIncreased demand for healthcareLess need for school teachers/products for children 
iGCSE Geography revision notes,Population Structure
iGCSE Geography revision notes,Population Structure

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