Biological explanations:Atavistic form -A-Level Psychology

Atavistic form:

Historical approach to offending

-Lombroso wrote a book in which he suggested that criminals were ‘genetic throwbacks’-a primitive sub-species who were biologically different from non-criminals.Lombroso’s theory is now seen as speculative,but he is credited for moving criminology into a more scientific realm.

-Lombroso saw offenders as lacking evolutionary development,and that their untamed nature meant they could not adjust to society and inevitably turn to crime.

Atavistic characteristics

-Lombroso argued that the criminal subtype could be identified by particular psychological markers linked to a specific crime.

-These are biologically determined atavistic characteristics that make criminals physically different from non-criminals e.g. dark skin,high cheekbones.

-Lombroso categorised murderers as having curly hair and bloodshot eyes.

-Beside physical characteristics,Lombroso suggested there were more characteristics of criminals such as tattoos and criminal slang.

Lombroso’s research

-Lombroso meticulously examined the facial and cranial features of hundreds of italian convicts and said that atavistic form was associated with a number of physical anomalies which were key indicators of criminality.

-Lombroso examined the skulls of 383 dead criminals and 3839 living ones.He concluded that 40% of criminal acts are not accounted for by atavistic characteristics but by people with atavistic characteristics.


Scientific racism-Matt DeLisi drew attention to the fact that Lombroso’s work had distinct racial undertones.Most of the features Lombroso described as being atavistic and criminal such as curly hair and dark skin are most likely to be found in those with African descent.Lombroso’s description of the atavistic being civilised and primitive would support eugenic philosophies of the time.

Contribution to criminology-Lombroso was credited in shifting the emphasis in crime research away from a moralistic discourse towards a more scientific and credible realm.By Lombroso trying to describe how particular types of people are likely to commit particular types of crimes,this led to criminal profiling.

→ What is Atavistic Form in biological explanations of criminal behavior?

Atavistic Form refers to the idea that some individuals possess primitive physical and behavioral characteristics that are reminiscent of our evolutionary ancestors. According to this theory, these atavistic traits can lead to criminal behavior.

→ What are some examples of atavistic traits?

Some examples of atavistic traits include a sloping forehead, a prominent jaw, a large amount of body hair, and a low forehead-to-nose ratio. However, it’s important to note that these traits are not necessarily indicative of criminal behavior on their own.

→ How does Atavistic Form relate to criminal behavior?

The theory suggests that individuals with atavistic traits may be more prone to engaging in criminal behavior because they have a more primitive, impulsive nature. However, it’s important to note that this theory has been criticized for being overly simplistic and lacking empirical evidence.

→ What is the scientific basis for Atavistic Form?

Atavistic Form is based on the concept of evolutionary psychology, which suggests that some traits and behaviors have been passed down through our genetic heritage. However, the theory has been largely discredited by modern scientific research.

→ How is Atavistic Form studied in A-Level Psychology?

A-Level Psychology students may study Atavistic Form as part of their broader exploration of biological explanations for criminal behavior. They may analyze case studies and research studies that support or contradict this theory, and evaluate its scientific merit.

→ What are the criticisms of Atavistic Form as a theory?

Critics argue that Atavistic Form is overly deterministic and ignores the influence of social and environmental factors on criminal behavior. They also point out that the theory has been used to justify discriminatory and prejudicial attitudes toward certain individuals or groups.

→ What are the implications of Atavistic Form for criminal justice policy?

If Atavistic Form were accepted as a valid theory, it could have significant implications for criminal justice policy. For example, some proponents of the theory have suggested that individuals with atavistic traits should be subject to more severe punishments, or that they should be institutionalized to prevent them from committing crimes in the future. However, these ideas are highly controversial and have been widely criticized.

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