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1-1 German Tutor?

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Learn German from the comfort of your own home with the help of a hand-picked, licenced, native-speaking tutor. 🌟

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The tutor is so helpful, after every review session things are starting to make more sense as his style of teaching is gradual and connects many ideas together.


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      Discover more German Tutors below, we offer a selection of 940 highly qualified tutors for you to choose from

      Experienced History Oxbridge Admissions German tutor
      Experienced History Oxbridge Admissions German tutor
      University of Oxford
      Ancient and Modern History
      8 ratings
      Double Blues player at OxfordHAT awarded an invitation to interviewOffer from Oxford UniversityOffer from St Andrews UniversityOffer from Exeter UniversityOffer from BristolOffer from UCLHelped 4 achieve offers from Oxford UniversityA* A* A A at A-levelAchieved 5 9's 3 8's 2 7's at GCSE

      Hi! My name is Charlotte Maple and I am an Oxford History/ Ancient History undergraduate, Oxford Masters offer holder, double Blue in Football and Cricket, and experienced Oxbridge admissions tutor who knows the Oxbridge admissions process inside and out and wants to help you achieve your goals! I am more specifically a Roman History ‘nerd’, with a passion for outreach, sports and History at Oxford (BleedDarkBlue).

      Coming from a state school in the Southwest with no previous Oxbridge Alumni, I understand the limitations facing students applying from the state sector. I use my experiences and the experiences of my Oxford peers to the advantage of my students, for example, 4/4 students from the Southwest whom I tutored in the summer of my first year received offers from Oxford the following January.

      I have, for the last three years, been studying for a degree in Ancient and Modern History at the University of Oxford which has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life. I have studied a broad range of history in detail, from the early Roman Republic to Modern British History. My speciality is Roman history, having studied the Roman world from republic to empire extensively. I have also been offered a place to study for a Masters in Roman History at the University of Oxford this Autumn, so you could say I know the Oxford admissions process very well.

      I play Blues Cricket and Football at Oxford, and am the first woman in Oxford’s History to hold a Full Blue in both sports, so I know much about the need for time management at Uni, and the benefits of competitive sports alongside rigorous study!

      I have been an ambassador for my college, Lady Margaret Hall, (the first college to accept women at Oxford/coolest college at Oxford) for 3 years during my degree and the president of the Lady Margaret Hall History society from 2021-2022, so I’m personable and genuinely like talking to and meting new people!

      Outside of Oxbridge, I have an impressive set of A-level and GCSE results. I would be a capable tutor for students of all abilities in History, Maths, English Literature and German, having tutored students in these subjects since 2022.

      I remember how daunting, mysterious and impossible the Oxbridge admissions process seemed to me when I was applying in 2019 and I want to help bust a few myths for aspiring students. I want to show all students regardless of background that Oxbridge has a place for them if they want it, and that they can ace any test, interview or exam they’ll need to face to get there!

      Can’t wait to get started and meet some aspiring students! Feel free to get in touch!

      Charlotte 😀

      Experienced German Tutor
      Experienced German Tutor
      University of Cambridge
      Aeronautical Engineering
      3rd Year
      5 ratings
      Offer from CambridgeOffer from ImperialA*A*A*A* at A-LevelAwarded 7 9s at GCSECan speak 7 languagesAm fluent in French and German

      Hi everyone!
      My name is Aadam and I am an Engineering student at Trinity College, Cambridge.

      I have had experience guiding students in their Cambridge Engineering (and STEM) applications in everything from personal statements to interviews. I have particular experience in tutoring the entrance exams/interviews for which I have already prepared many resources.

      Having gone through the experience myself, I understand the concerns you will have and stresses that you will be under so rest assured I will be there to answer any questions that you might have and make the process as smooth and as comfortable as possible.

      I am also fluent in French and German so I can tutor you in these languages as well as in English if you prefer.

      I am ready to help you succeed and hope to see you in Cambridge!

      I have also had a lot of experience tutoring online via Zoom (nearly 5 years now) in many subjects at GCSE (and A-Level) so I am completely familiar with the process and I know to harness the many benefits of online tutoring and how to completely avoid its inevitable drawbacks.

      Experienced German tutor
      Experienced German tutor
      Queens University
      2nd Year
      3 ratings
      GCSE: Achieved 9 9s at GCSEA - Level : Achieved A*AAA at A - LevelInterview : Received an offer from QUB

      Hiya, my name is Shambavi Chandrakumar and I am a 2nd year medical student at QUB.
      A little bit about me is that I love cooking and trying out various cuisines and creating mini reviews for them. In my free time, I love to go swimming in my local leisure centre and spend time to relax, as well as this I love going out with my friends and trying random quirky activities such as pottery and yin yoga. Spending time with family and friends and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone is one of the many things that I enjoy doing! My time so far at university has been a whirlwind. I have loved both the social and academic aspects of university from the clinical skills & anatomy sessions to Zumba classes on the weekend. Moving to a new city was at first a nerve – racking experience, however as I met new people and made friends along the way ,the experience has been amazing.
      I am excited to see where the future takes me and I can’t wait to help you with your own journey in applying to Medicine !


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      GCSE German Tutors

      If you are driven to do well in your exam but lack confidence, have gaps in knowledge, or have issues with exam questions or techniques, our GCSE German tutor can help!

      GCSE German

      A-Level German Tutors

      If you are considering taking German to A-Level or are currently preparing for your exams, our tutors can assist you in making the most of your studies and performing to the best of your ability come exam day.

      A-Level Tutors

      IB German Tutors

      Our professional German tutors help students with grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in order to help them grasp the language.

      German A&B

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        Our students adore us!

        The German revision sessions have been very thorough and explained very clearly by the tutor. The speaker is very engaging and able to answer all the questions in a way the audience can easily understand. The sessions have been a great recap and have covered everything we need to know!
        I have been attending the German revision sessions and the speaker has explained all the content in a very thorough and clear way. He has also been very welcoming to all questions. The PowerPoints and visual aids used have also been very useful throughout the sessions.
        Thank you so much for these lessons, they have been super beneficial so far and I have no doubt that they will be for anyone else. Honestly, the best tutors I have had so far.
        Reza tahmid was a wonderful tutor, explained the topic through notes as well as drawings to help us get a visual understanding and made sure everyone understood. Really liked the way he would asks us questions and everyone’s interaction.
        Asma ReyezAsma Reyez
        The teaching is great by my tutor and I'm able to understand the topics I didn't understand I'm class. She is also really friendly so I can ask all my questions without any worry.
        BluelightningCJ wilkinBluelightningCJ wilkin
        I would have to rate my experience 5/5. I feel like I've really been able to connect with the tutors and learn so much with there help feels like I would of never of gotten too this stage without them. Been a real pleasure to work with them.
        omer sharafomer sharaf
        The tutoring is great to be honest.The Tutors are really helpful and ensure that we fully understand the topics before moving on. As students, we have full control of what we want to cover in each lesson. It's been a great experience and my improvements have been evident. Would definitely recommend

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          Got questions?

          Don’t worry, we may have what you are looking for.

          What tutoring do you offer for German exams?

          We offer A-Level German tutors, GCSE German Tutors and IB German Tutors. Our tutors are fully qualified and experienced in their fields, contact us to know more!

          🧑‍🏫How quick can I learn with German tutor?

          If you begin as a beginner and work with your German tutor for an hour per day, you should be able to acquire conversational fluency between 8 - 12 months. This equates to approximately 250-350 hours of work.

          🌟How hard is German GCSE?

          According to our German tutors, professional competency in German takes 24 weeks. We understand that you have other courses to study and probably won't have a free 24 weeks to live, eat, and breathe all things German, but this fact shows that it can be done in a relatively short period of time.

          ⚖️Why choose German GCSE tutor?

          Improve your German language abilities so you can communicate in a range of settings, including the workplace. GCSE German tutors will also teach you about German culture, traditions, and holidays while improving your language abilities.

          ✨Is it worth getting a German tutor?

          Studying German will open the door to many other degrees where the abilities learned in the course are appreciated, including criminology, law, accounting, history, and many others. Other students have found their communication skills and global view to be extremely valuable in apprenticeships and the workplace immediately following graduation.

          🗺️I’m an international student, is that an issue?

          Absolutely not! We support diversity in higher education and are committed to assisting foreign students in enrolling in UK-based educational institutions and helping complete external tests.

          ✍️How long will it take to improve my score?

          The answer is as individual as you are! Improving your score will take a mix of improving your basic skills, exam knowledge and answering speed.

          Your German tutor will be able to optimise your studying, so you make the most progress in the shortest amount of time.

          📑How will my tutor help me to improve my German Test score?

          All of our instructors will walk you through our precise, current study materials, created to provide you with more exam practice and give you a greater understanding of the various question types.

          You will receive a unique lesson for each section. The German tutors will walk you through the exam sections you are having trouble with and provide you with useful strategies.