Barriers to Communication in Business

➔ Communication is about passing messages between people or organisations. 

Barriers to communication 

Barriers to Communication in Business

A barrier to communication is something that stops communication happening or makes communication less effective. There are a number of barriers to effective communication. 

Some communication barriers include: 

  • poor explanations 
  • poor spelling and grammar 
  • incorrect/different language 
  • technology issues/breakdowns 
  • Distractions 
  • Long change of command 
  • poor structuring of information 
  • use of jargon, technical language or slang 
  • lack of understanding 

If communication is not received or understood properly, the result may be reduced business efficiency and mistakes. Ineffective communication may also confuse customers or stop them receiving a message, which can ultimately impact a business’ sales and profitability. 

The problems of ineffective communications in business 

Poor communication can have a number of negative impacts. For example: 

  • Mistakes – poor communication can reduce quality and increase costs. 
  • Confusion – poor communication may frustrate customers and reduce sales, as customers’ needs are not being met. 
  • Poor reputation – the business will become known for making mistakes and confusing customers. 
  • Expensive problems – high staff turnover, more staff absences, etc. 
  • Low motivation – less productive 
  • More conflicts between workers/employees 

How can Barriers to Communication be Removed?

Barriers to Communication in Business

Recruitment – Businesses should seek employees with good communication abilities. The quality of people’s written communication in job applications may provide a guide to their ability. 

Training – Business must overcome barriers to communications. One way is to train communication. 

Written communication – One strategy to remove barriers created by badly written communication is to issue standard letters from the company that all employees can use. 

Technology – If communication barriers arise from faulty technology, a business can have equipment repaired or replaced. 

Chain of Command – if the chain of command is too long, a business may decide to remove some of management levels in the organisation. 

Social Events – Internal communication may improve if social events are organised for staff. 

Culture Change – If a business has a culture of poor communication, it will be important to make changes. This can be overcome by introducing formal communication systems. 


Formal communication refers to flow through proper, defined channels and routes for official information.

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