Sevenoaks School Admissions Tutors
Explore our website to discover more about Sevenoaks School's admissions process, programmes, and how you can secure a place at Sevenoaks School with a professional Study Mind tutor!
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Emily's parents
Working with the Study Mind Sevenoaks School Admissions Tutors was an incredibly positive experience. They are knowledgeable, and professional, and helped guide us through the entire admissions process.
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Here's a selection of our Sevenoaks School Admissions Tutors, continue below to search from all 225 tutors
Hi my name is Julie, and I’m a first year medical student at Cambridge University. I’m an international student from Korea, but I attended secondary school and sixth form in the UK. I went to Westminster school for sixth form, and studied Maths (OCR), Biology (CIE), Chemistry (Pre-U) and Physics (Pre-U). I also completed an EPQ.
I’ve tutored primary school children before for 11+, and I’ve helped some of my medicine/natural sciences friends prepare for their university entrance interviews as well. I strongly believe that you don’t have to be super smart to study medicine- you just need to put the work in (whilst having a social life!)
I remember year 13 being a slightly stressful time because of UCAS applications, so I want to do my best to help you prepare for interviews/exams, so you can show your potential.
Hi, I’m Vionnet and I graduated with upper second-class Honours from Durham University in Philosophy, Politics and Economics in 2024. I have been tutoring for over three years, and pride myself in taking a bespoke approach to each of my students. I have also gone on to teach the siblings of many students that I have previously taught. I primarily teach English, History and Latin, but can also teach Economics, Philosophy and Religious Studies. I also have experience with private school admission tests and interviews, with many of my students obtaining offers to their first-choice schools. Previously, I worked as a piano teacher, a primary school teaching assistant and as an equine camp counsellor, so I have lots of experience with children whose ages range from six to sixteen. In my free time, I enjoy crocheting and going to pilates.
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Discover more Sevenoaks School Admissions Tutors below, we offer a selection of 225 highly qualified tutors for you to choose from
Hi, I’m Vionnet and I graduated with upper second-class Honours from Durham University in Philosophy, Politics and Economics in 2024. I have been tutoring for over three years, and pride myself in taking a bespoke approach to each of my students. I have also gone on to teach the siblings of many students that I have previously taught. I primarily teach English, History and Latin, but can also teach Economics, Philosophy and Religious Studies. I also have experience with private school admission tests and interviews, with many of my students obtaining offers to their first-choice schools. Previously, I worked as a piano teacher, a primary school teaching assistant and as an equine camp counsellor, so I have lots of experience with children whose ages range from six to sixteen. In my free time, I enjoy crocheting and going to pilates.
Outperform other candidates at Sevenoaks School Admissions With Study Mind!
Score highly in the entrance exams
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Study Mind's admissions tutors for Sevenoaks School are here to guide you and your child through the application process and help maximise your chances of being accepted.
Secure a place at Sevenoaks School with Experts
Getting a safe score in the entrance exams isn't easy. With only one opportunity to take the test per year, the success of your child really does rest on good quality and knowledgeable support.
At Study Mind, we don't leave your child's education to chance. With up-to-date and personalised revision, delivered in age-appropriate and engaging lessons, our experienced and friendly Sevenoaks School Admissions tutors will motivate and support your child to do their best.
Proven Success Sevenoaks School Admissions Tutors
Our Sevenoaks School Admissions Tutors have years of expertise in assisting students with their college admissions applications. We are here to assist students at every step of the process, from completing their application to preparing for interviews and beyond.
Comprehensive Support For Year 7 and Year 9 Candidates
All candidates are evaluated using entrance exams, references from their existing school, interviews, and reports. Our tutors assist students in preparing for Sevenoaks School Admissions, as well as guidance on the entrance exams and valuable practice papers.
16+ Entry Preparation
Sevenoaks School has a 16+ entrance point. We provide subject-specific coaching, study skills and organisation advice, as well as other resources to help your child succeed at Sevenoaks School.
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Still Confused?
We may have what you are looking for!
Is Sevenoaks School hard to get into?
Sevenoaks is very academically rigorous due to its academic reputation as one of the best IB schools in the country, getting over 1,500 applications for the 240 seats available across the school each academic year, therefore parents are urged to plan ahead.
How to apply to Sevenoaks School?
To apply to Sevenoaks School, fill out the online application form below and pay the registration cost. The non-refundable registration fee covers the costs of processing the application and the admission exams (unless taken abroad). For day applicants, the price is £175.
What grades do you need to get into Sevenoaks?
Applicants to the Sixth Form should anticipate achieving essentially 8s and 9s in their GCSE/IGCSE exams (or the equivalent in other curricula).
Does Sevenoaks School have an entrance exam?
Yes, being an academically selective school, Sevenoaks School employs entrance examinations to determine which applicants are eligible for admission. They adopt a three-step method, with candidates progressing to the next round depending on their relative performance.
💰 How much does the tutoring cost?
Our Sevenoaks School Admissions Tutoring programme emphasises adaptability and personalised revision. The cost of individual tutoring varies according to the number of hours required. If you are unsure, our specialists will be happy to assist you during your free consultation.
🌍Where do the Sevenoaks School Admissions tutoring take place?
Our Sevenoaks School Admissions tutors will come to you! To provide a safe, pleasant, and flexible learning environment, all of our lessons are given digitally via MS Teams.
🤔Who are the Sevenoaks School Admissions tutors?
Our Sevenoaks School Admissions instructors are all top university graduates with advanced degrees in various subjects. They bring many skills and knowledge and are committed to giving students the best possible support.
🌟How can Eton College Admissions tuition help my son?
Eton College Admissions tuition can be quite beneficial to your children in a variety of ways. Our knowledgeable admissions tutors provide personalised assistance and coaching to assist them in preparing for the admissions process and presenting their best selves to the admissions committee.
⏰When should students start preparing for Sevenoaks School?
The age at which your kid intends to apply will decide the optimal time for them to begin preparing for Sevenoaks School. It's important to know that admissions to Sevenoaks School are competitive, so starting early can help set your child up for success. The more time your child has to prepare with our instructor, the more he or she will be able to show the admissions committee their talents, skills, and interests.
✨Does Study Mind have reviews?
Yes! On Trustpilot, we have over 1000 five-star reviews for Study Mind and Medic Mind (our sibling company). We were even named one of the Top 40 Educational Companies on Trustpilot.
If that isn't enough, we have the support of major UK schools and institutions too!