GCSE Economics Revision Notes
These GCSE Economics notes have been compiled to support you with your exam preparation. If you’d like more support with boosting your exam score, why not book a free consultation with our expert GCSE Economics tutors, who will prepare personalised study plans and lessons tailored to your needs.
Differences in Economic Development Between Countries
Living Standards
Inflation and Disinflation
Employment and Unemployment
Economic Growth
Supply-Side Policy
Monetary Policy
The Fiscal Policy
Macroeconomic Aims of the Government
Role of the Government
Market Structure
Firm Costs, Revenue, and Objectives
Firms and production
Trade unions
Money and Banking
Market Economic System
Market Failure
Price Elasticity of Supply
Price Elasticity of Demand
3.4 Workers
2.8 Price elasticity of Supply
2.7 Price Elasticity of Demand
Should I write my own GCSE Economics revision notes?
If it helps you to revise and retain information, writing your own revision notes can be a good idea. This can help you to actively engage in revision, rather than reading or watching something and not internalising it.
How can I boost my GCSE Economics preparation?
How you prepare for exams depends on how you best remember information. You can watch videos and make notes, make flashcards, or put sticky notes around your room. However you decide to revise, make sure that you have a study schedule to make sure you don't run out of time!
How do I use these GCSE Economics revision notes?
You can use these revision notes to revise topics that you are unsure of, or use the information to add to your own notes. Many students also turn these notes into flashcards for bite-sized revision!
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