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Trusted 11+ Tutors

Get your child into their dream secondary school with the UK's most trusted 11+ Tutors. 963+ 5* Reviews. Get started today.

Earn your place at high ranking UK secondary schools by achieving top 11+ exam scores with the help of the UK’s leading 11+ tutors. Find out more

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  • Tailored to You
  • Trusted by Schools

Helena A

I liked how they tailored the approach to weaknesses, with regular homework and testing in between the Zoom 1-1 lessons. The lessons were easy to book and I got a place at grammar school!


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      Discover more 11+ Tutors below, we offer a selection of 100 highly qualified tutors for you to choose from

      Experienced 11+ tutor
      Experienced 11+ tutor
      University of Oxford
      Engineering Science
      5 ratings
      Oxford Engineering - First Class (top 10%)A*A*A* at A-Level10A*1A at GCSE

      I am a First-Class Engineering Science graduate from the University of Oxford, graduating in the top 10% of my year. Whilst studying mathematics, further mathematics, and physics at A-Levels, I achieved A*A*A*, achieving the highest mark in my sixth form across all three A-Levels whilst participating in extracurricular activities such as football, amateur rocketry and brass band.

      I teach mathematics, further mathematics, physics, and engineering to students aged 11 through to University level. I also tutor students with the PAT entrance exam as well as conduct mock Oxbridge engineering interviews.

      From GCSE through to University, I have focused on developing a deep understanding of my subjects to reduce dependence on memorisation during examinations. This helped me dramatically cut down the amount of time I needed to sink in to revision without compromising the quality of my revision, and allowed me to invest a lot of time into extracurricular activities. Having graduated, I am now investing time in sharing the skills I developed through school and University to help future students succeed.


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      Start your child on 11+ tutoring today by speaking to our friendly team now - Choose one of the options below

      1-to-1 Tutoring for the 11+ exam

      Getting a top score in the 11+ isn't easy, especially if it's been years since you took the test yourself, or if you never took the test at all. With only one opportunity to take the test per year, the success of your child in the 11+ really does rest on good quality and knowledgeable support.
      At Study Mind, we don't leave your child's education to chance. With up to date and personalized revision, delivered in age appropriate and engaging lessons, our experienced and friendly 11+ tutors will motivate and support your child to do their best.

      1-1 11+ Lessons Tailored to You

      Every child is different, and 1-1 online training allows our 11+ tutors to personalise every lesson to your child. Our materials and resources are constantly updated to ensure your child focuses on real exam content and gets a wide range of experience with real 11+ questions.

      GL or CEM? Our 11+ tutors will guide your child through the specification of the exam that they will sit, building a foundation of strong academic skills that will help them to succeed at the test and beyond.

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      Trusted by Schools & Teachers

      Don't just take our word for it- we are backed by thousands of parents and schools, who all agree that 11+ tuition from Study Mind is the right way forward for your child and you.

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      Online Lessons with a Flexible Schedule

      Our lessons are flexible and fast to book, meaning you don't need to wait around for your child to have their first class. Organise everything through WhatsApp and Zoom, so there's no complicated platforms for you to work out!

      International? Our 11+ tutors are available around the clock, so finding a time to book is easy and hassle free.

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      11+ Expert

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        Shanaya MShanaya M
        Brilliant tutors, and generally just a great experience! Special thanks to Maya, Julia and Greg for their fantastic tuition for my daughter. I like how the team go the extra mile with their prompt communication and progress updates.
        Mikel LMikel L
        The Study Mind team were very friendly, and always at hand to help me out. Elisa was a personal mentor, helping to motivate and mentor me through my exams - thank you!
        Priya MPriya M
        I really liked the materials and homework I received between my tutoring lessons with my tutor, Naseem. The personal WhatsApp group meant I could communicate very quickly and they always replied instantly. Thanks guys!

        How do I get started?

        While getting a great 11+ score might not seem
        so simple, it all begins with these three easy steps...

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        It starts with a FREE consultation with our 11+ team at Study Mind. Sign up today to learn more about how we can help your child to succeed.

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        Our admin team will help to pair you with one of our friendly and experienced 11+ tutors. You can arrange your lessons for when it suits you!

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        Our 11+ tutors will get started on building the right study programme for your child- book your first lesson and watch your child flourish!

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          Frequently Asked Questions

          We understand that you might have some questions before booking your first lesson. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for in the FAQs, feel free to contact us!

          💰 How much does the tutoring cost?

          Our 11+ course is focused on flexibility and personalised revision. Costs vary based on the number of hours of individual tutoring you require. If you’re unsure, our experts can help you during your free consultation.

          👥 Who should sit the 11+?

          The 11+ exam is an entrance exam to select private and selective schools around the UK. Anyone can take the exam if they wish to attend one of these schools.
          Our 11+ tutors are experienced in helping children of all backgrounds, so they can help get the best out of your child.

          🌍Where do the 11+ lessons take place?

          Our 11+ tutors bring the classroom to you! All our lessons are delivered virtually via Zoom to allow for a safe, comfortable and flexible learning environment.

          📚What is the 11+ syllabus?

          The 11+ tests four main areas of academic competence including verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, Mathematics and English.
          There are two exam types: GL and CEM. The GL syllabus is more fixed and transparent, therefore easier to find resources on. The CEM syllabus is everchanging and not transparent, making it more difficult to prepare for and to pass based on past papers alone.
          Some areas have additional requirements, or different test formats; for instance, some schools (in Bexley, London or North Yorkshire as examples), students are not required to take all four parts of the standard GL or CEM 11+ exam. This is where our 11+ tutors are here to help; they can help to demystify the 11+ exam, ensure your child focuses on the right study subjects and prepare them for the day.

          🤔Who are the 11+ tutors?

          We have many experienced 11+ tutors in our team, who have experience working with younger students. Your 11+ tutor will tailor the lessons to the specific needs of the student and adapt their teaching style to ensure lessons are interactive and engaging.

          🌟How can 11+ tuition help my son / daughter?

          The 11+ exam tests more than just a child's basic skills, and is different to what they will likely do at school. Just doing past papers will not help your child understand the theory behind the question. Having an 11+ tutor means that your child has a personal mentor to motivate and coach them, and additionally a teacher to provide specific 1-1 help focused on the individual weaknesses your child has in 11+ subjects.

          ⏰When should my child start preparing for the 11+?

          This usually depends most on the child and the school they are planning to attend. More competitive schools and areas require higher pass rates, and so usually parents in this situation will start preparation earlier, sometimes as early as Year 4 to allow for plenty of revision without too much pressure. Most commonly, tuition will start at the end of Year 5 or 12 months before the exam. Our 11+ tutors will tailor the session to the age and ability of your child, so you can be sure of high quality lessons.

          🏛️What schools require the 11+?

          In the UK, private and selective secondary schools require the 11+. These will include grammar schools, segregated girls' and boys' schools and other private schools.
          Examples of popular 11+ schools are:
          - The King's School, Grantham
          - Bournemouth School, Bournemouth
          - Bishop Wordsworth's School, Salisbury
          - Bexley Grammar School, London
          - Pate's Grammar School, Cheltenham
          - Heckmondwike Grammar School, West Yorkshire
          - Royal Latin School, Buckingham
          - Belfast Royal Academy, Belfast
          - Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Penrith

          There are over 160 grammar schools in the UK, so let our 11+ tutors know which one you are looking at for your child and they will be able to help.

          📝Should my child prepare for the GL or CEM 11+?

          The answer here largely depends on where the school you want to attend is in the UK. Some UK counties only accept the CEM, others only the GL and others accept both. It is best to speak to the admissions team at your preferred school to be sure before you start tuition.
          We have 11+ tutors experienced in both exams, so they will be able to go into the details of the exam in further detail.

          💯What score should my child aim for?

          This depends again on the area, as not all schools have a fixed pass grade. For those that do, it is usually around 110. Some schools will rank scores and only select from the top, so it is useful to know how the school will use the 11+ to place students. Speak to the admissions team at your preferred school to confirm.

          ✨Does Study Mind have reviews?

          Yes! We have over 1000 five star reviews on Trustpilot across Study Mind and Medic Mind (our sister company). We have even been voted as one of Trustpilot's Top 40 Educational Companies.
          If that's not enough, we are backed by top schools and universities in the UK!