STEM Elementary and Secondary School Activities and Project Ideas

Exploring molecules with STEM activities.

Have you ever considered that the first encounter with a STEM subject activates neurons within the brain of a child, which can affect how long they will remember the subject? It is vital to engage young children in STEM as research shows that 92% of boys and 97% of girls will lose interest in STEM when they do not engage in STEM activities prior to Year 6 .

We’re excited about sharing fun STEM activities for children designed to elementary and secondary school students.

Let’s create the next generation of young minds!

Elementary-level STEM Project Ideas

1. Make Ice Cream in a Bag

Making an ice cream bag is not just an amazing treat, but also a good method for children to learn about the scientific basis behind freezing points and state of matter.

Materials Needed:

  • Ziploc bags (one large and one small)
  • Ice cubes
  • Rock salt
  • Heavy cream
  • Sugar
  • Vanilla extract


  1. Prepare the Ice Cream Mixture:

Within the tiny Ziploc bag mix together half a cup of thick cream, 1 tablespoon sugar and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract. Secure the bag with a tight seal and ensure there are that there aren’t any leaks.

  1. Prepare the Ice Bath:

Fill the large Ziploc bag with about half of frozen cubes of ice and add one-quarter cup of rock salt. The rock salt decreases the temperature of water to its freezing point and helps to freeze the ice cream more quickly.

  1. Combine and Shake:

Place the sealed small bag that contains the ice cream mixture inside the larger bag along filled with salt and ice. Close the large bag tightly.

  1. Shake and Freeze:

The bags should be shaken vigorously for 5 – 10 minutes or so until the mixture in the bag becomes thicker and turns into ice cream.

  1. Enjoy:

Once the ice cream is at its desired thickness, remove small bag from the ice bath. Wipe it clean and then open it up to enjoy your homemade ice-cream!

Scientific Explanation:

When salt and ice are combined, the temperature of the ice bath decreases below freezing, which causes the cream mixture to cool and then solidify into ice cream. This process illustrates the fundamentals that govern heat exchange, phase change and what properties solutions have.

Educational Value:

This STEM activity introduces elementary students to concepts such as the states of matter (liquid to solid) as well as freezing points and the science method via hands-on exploration. It fosters curiosity and interest in learning the basics of physics and chemistry through a fun and engaging method.

2. Secret Messages With Invisible Ink!

Making secret messages using invisible ink is an exciting method for children to learn about chemical reactions and learn the fundamentals of bases and acids.

Materials Needed:

  • Lemon juice
  • Water
  • Cotton swabs
  • White paper
  • Heat source (e.g., light bulb, iron)


  1. Prepare the Invisible Ink:

Mix equal amounts of water and lemon juice in small cups or a bowl. The mixture can be used as your ink that is invisible.

  1. Write Your Message:

Put a cotton swab in the lemon juice mixture, and apply it your message on white paper. Make sure it is clearly written and easily read.

  1. Let it Dry:

Let the paper dry completely. It will be dry leaving the message invisible for the naked eye.

  1. Reveal the Message:

To uncover the secret message, gently warm the paper with an energy source like a light bulb or iron with a low setting. When the paper is heated your lemon’s juice is likely to begin to oxidize and become brown which makes the message clear.

Scientific Explanation:

The juice of a lemon contains citric acid, which is a weak acid. If it is sprayed on paper, it is not visible because it does not interact with the paper in short time. The heating of the paper speeds up oxidation process, which causes the acid to react with air and then darken, revealing the hidden message.

Educational Value:

This activity introduces elementary school students to the idea that chemical reaction occur, particularly the process of oxidation as well as the properties of acids and bases. It stimulates critical thinking as students make predictions about the mechanism behind reactions and participate in experiments to find the hidden messages.

3. Make a Lemon Volcano

Making a volcano from lemons is an interesting variation on the traditional mixing of vinegar and baking soda showing chemical reactions as well as the fundamental concepts in geology.

Materials Needed:

  • Large lemon
  • Baking soda
  • Dish soap (optional)
  • Food colouring (optional)
  • Tray or container to catch spills


  1. Prepare the Lemon:

Slice the lemon into half, then scoop out a portion of the pulp, creating an empty space. Set the half lemons on a tray or in a container to collect any spills.

  1. Add Baking Soda:

Sprinkle a good quantity of baking soda inside the lemon halves that have been hollowed out. You could also add some drops of dishwashing soap as well as food colouring for a more dramatic impact, but they are not required.

  1. Create the Reaction:

Pour the vinegar (or the juice of a lemon) inside the lemon half, which contain baking soda. The mixture will begin to fizze and then bubbles up and appears to resemble a miniature volcano eruption.

  1. Observe and Discuss:

Examine the reaction and then discuss with your students what’s taking place. Explain the acid-base reaction that occurs between vinegar (acid) and baking soda (base) generates carbon dioxide gas that causes the bubbling and fizzing effect.

Scientific Explanation:

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) reacts with vinegar (acetic acid) to form carbon dioxide gas (CO2) that causes the bubbling and fizzing you see in the lemon volcano. This chemical reaction illustrates the basic principles of chemistry, as well as the idea of acid-base reaction.

Educational Value:

The activity involving the lemon volcano involves elementary school students in hands-on exploration of the chemical reactions that occur and geology concepts like eruptions of volcanic origin. It helps develop observation skills that foster observation skills, critical thinking, and scientific inquiry, while generating curiosity about natural phenomena.

4. Make Your Own Stethoscope

A homemade stethoscope lets students study how sound waves and the transmission of sound through materials that provide an understanding of the basic concepts of the principles of acoustics.

Materials Needed:

  • Plastic funnel
  • Tubing (e.g., flexible plastic tubing)
  • Funnel-shaped paper cup
  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Balloons (optional)


  1. Prepare the Funnel and Tubing:

Place an end of tubing inside the wide side of the plastic funnel. Tape it in place to ensure a secure seal.

  1. Create the Listening Device:

Make a funnel shape by cutting the paper cups in half vertically to form the bell-shaped listening device. Securely tape the wide end of the cup to the end that is open on the tube.

  1. Adjust and Test:

Adjust the length of the tube to necessary. Place smaller part of the funnel against your chest or on a different place to listen to the sounds.

  1. Experiment and Explore:

Utilise the stethoscope for listening to different sounds in the room. Discuss how sound travels through the tubing, and then amplified through cups and funnels.

Scientific Explanation:

A stethoscope transmits sound waves coming from the body (or other sources) through the tube into the ears of the listener. Its funnel as well as cup amplify and concentrate to the sound wave, enabling you to detect faint sounds.

Educational Value:

This activity introduces elementary students to the fundamentals of sound waves the transmission of sound through different materials and the role of fundamental medical devices. It stimulates experimentation, exploration and knowledge the ways in which technology may enhance natural phenomenon.

5. Find the Hidden Colors of Leaves

Exploring chromatography through STEM activities with plant samples and a microscope.

Finding the hidden colors of leaves using the process of chromatography is an exciting way for students to learn about photosynthesis as well as the properties of pigments.

Materials Needed:

  • Fresh leaves (various colours and types)
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Coffee filters or chromatography paper
  • Small jars or cups
  • Pencil or stick


  1. Prepare the Chromatography Setup:

Tear or cut filters of coffee or chromatography into strips. These can be used as the way to separate leaf pigments.

  1. Collect Leaf Samples:

Choose a selection of leaves that are fresh and have different types and colours. Cut them up into pieces small enough to place each one in cups or jars that are different.

  1. Extract Pigments:

Pour enough rubbing alcohol in to cover the leaf pieces inside each cup or jar. Smash or crush leaves lightly using sticks or pencils to release the pigments from the alcohol.

  1. Perform Chromatography:

Dip the other edge of a strip of paper in the solution of alcohol (leaf extract) but do not let that end touch with the floor. Set the strip upright in an unclean jar or cup and ensure that the strip hangs easily.

  1. Observe and Analyze:

As the alcohol travels along the strip of paper, it brings the leaf pigments along with it. Examine the color separation on the strip of paper and take notes on your observations.

Scientific Explanation:

Chromatography is a method to distinguish and determine the elements of a mix. In this process, alcohol rubbing acts as a mobile phase, bringing the leaf pigments (chlorophyll carotenoids, etc.) across the paper strip according to their solubility and molecular size.

Educational Value:

The activity is designed to engage elementary students to explore their chemical makeup of the leaves and discovering the role that pigments play in photosynthesis. It encourages analytical thinking as well as observation skills and hands-on experiments while connecting with real-world scientific processes.

These simple STEM projects offer hands-on learning experiences that encourage students to be involved in engaging with scientific concepts through engaging and fun activities. The projects are designed not just teach the fundamentals of science but also stimulate curiosity and encourage further exploration of STEM areas.

Secondary-level STEM Project Ideas

1. DIY Mini Drone: Arduino™ Altitude Control

Building and flying a DIY drone is a fun and educational STEM activity for kids and teens.

Making a mini drone using Arduino™ altitude control, which combines the engineering and programming abilities providing students with a practical introduction to automation and robotics.

Materials Needed:

  • Arduino™ board
  • Motors and propellers
  • Accelerometer and gyroscope sensors
  • Battery pack
  • Frame and chassis materials
  • Breadboard and jumper wires


  1. Assemble the Drone Frame:

Start by building the frame using light materials such as carbon fiber or 3D-printed components. Install the propellers and motors with utmost care to guarantee stability and equilibrium.

  1. Install Arduino™ and Sensors:

Attach the Arduino™ board to the frame, and then integrate accelerometer and gyroscope sensors to provide stabilization and altitude control. Use jumper wires as well as a breadboard to make connections.

  1. Program the Drone:

Write and upload code on your Arduino™ board in order to regulate motor stability and speed based on sensor feedback. Create algorithms for altitude adjustment and stability during flight.

  1. Test and Calibrate:

Conduct the initial test in controlled area to make sure the drone is responding appropriately to commands. Check sensors for calibration and adjust code parameters as necessary to ensure optimal performance.

  1. Fly and Refine:

After calibration and testing, fly the drone under different conditions to assess its performance. Implement refinements to the software and hardware following the test results to enhance flight stability and control.

Scientific Explanation:

This mini-drone project combines the fundamentals of aerodynamics, electronics and programming. Sensors offer real-time information about drone’s altitude and orientation and allow Arduino™ to alter motor speeds to ensure stable flight.

Educational Value:

This project challenges secondary school students to apply programming and engineering concepts in a real-world context. It develops the skills of robotics as well as automation and solving problems while promoting the development of creativity and innovative drone technology.

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2. Build a Disk Siren

The construction of a disk siren exposes learners to the mechanical and propagation of sound waves mixing physics concepts and hands-on construction.

Materials Needed:

  • DC motor
  • Disk or wheel
  • Battery pack
  • Cardboard or 3D-printed components
  • Electrical wires
  • Buzzer or speaker


  1. Build the Siren Mechanism:

Attach a wheel or disk on the shaft DC motor. Make sure the disk is properly mounted and is balanced so that it can rotate freely.

  1. Connect the Electrical Components:

Connect the DC motor to an energy source such as a battery pack or other power source. Make use of electrical wires to connect the speaker or buzzer in the circuit while ensuring the correct polarity and function.

  1. Design the Housing:

Create a housing to house the disk siren with cardboard or 3D-printed material. Make vents or openings to let sound waves propagate efficiently.

  1. Test and Adjust:

Turn on the siren for the disk and then observe the motion that the disk is making. Change how fast the motor spins as well as the location of the disk to maximise the sound generated by the speaker or buzzer.

  1. Explore Sound Characteristics:

Try different disk sizes as well as motor speed to see what effects these variables have on the volume and pitch of the sound created by the siren on disks.

Scientific Explanation:

The siren on the disk operates by spinning a disk wheel connected to a motor. This causes air movement, which creates sound waves. The frequency and intensity of the sound generated depend on the speed at which the disk rotates and the design on the wheel.

Educational Value:

This project teaches secondary students in the field of mechanical designs, wiring for electrical and Acoustics. It aids in understanding the propagation of sound waves, resonance as well as the principles of mechanical sirens that are used in alarms as well as signalling devices.

3. Build a Pizza Box Solar Oven

Making a pizza box-shaped solar oven showcases the principles of solar energy and sustainable cooking methods using environmental science in conjunction with practical engineering.

Materials Needed:

  • Pizza box (preferably large and shallow)
  • Aluminium foil
  • Plastic wrap or clear plastic sheet
  • Black construction paper or paint
  • Insulating materials (e.g., newspaper, cardboard)
  • Thermometer


  1. Prepare the Pizza Box:

The bottom of the inside in the pizza boxes using aluminium foil to reflect light. The lid is covered with a clear plastic wrap sheet to create an effect of greenhouse.

  1. Create the Cooking Chamber:

Use paint or black construction paper in the lower part of the container to help absorb heat. Be sure that the cooking chamber is adequately insulated with materials such as newspapers or other cardboard.

  1. Maximise Solar Absorption:

Place the pizza box solar oven directly in sunlight. Change the tilt of the lid so that it has maximum exposure to the sun throughout the day.

  1. Test and Monitor Temperature:

Install a thermometer in the solar oven to measure the temperature inside. Watch the temperature change in time, and then record your observations.

  1. Cook and Enjoy:

Make use of this solar cooktop to make tiny items like s’mores cookies, or even a simple pizza. Try different cooking times and adjusts to increase the effectiveness of solar cooking.

Scientific Explanation:

Pizza box solar oven makes use of the fundamentals of absorption by solar power as well as greenhouse effect. Its black exterior absorbs sunrays and converts to heat, which increases the temperature in the oven. This allows cooking using no traditional sources of fuel.

Educational Value:

This programme engages secondary school students to explore the renewable sources of energy and sustainability methods of energy use. It shows practical uses using solar technology, while encouraging environmental awareness and problem-solving abilities for alternative energy options.

4. Make an Alka-Seltzer Powered Lava Lamp

Making an Alka-Seltzer-powered lava lamp teaches students about chemicals, the process of density and fluid dynamics. It also provides an eye-catching demonstration of the scientific concepts.

Materials Needed:

  • Clear plastic or glass container (e.g., a bottle or jar)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Water
  • Food colouring
  • Alka-Seltzer tablets
  • Flashlight or LED light source (optional)


  1. Prepare the Lava Lamp Container:

The container should be filled halfway by adding vegetable oils. Pour in water to make the pot nearly filled, leaving a gap in the middle.

  1. Add Color and Effects:

Include a few drops of food colouring in the container’s water. Be aware of the droplets sinking through the oil, and then disperse into colourful bubbles.

  1. Create the Lava Effect:

Break an Alka-Seltzer tablet in tiny pieces, then drop the pieces one by one in the bottle. Watch as the tablets react with the water, forming bubbles that rise from the oil.

  1. Enhance the Display (optional):

A light source, such as a flashlight or LED into at the top of the container. This will illuminate the rising bubbles and increase the visual impact of the lava lamps.

  1. Explore and Experiment:

Test different quantities of water, oil, and food coloring to see how they impact the motion as well as the appearance and look of bubbles within the lava lamp.

Scientific Explanation:

It is believed that Alka-Seltzer tablets combine with water and produce gases of carbon dioxide. These bubbles rise above the oil because of differences in the density of the water, oil, and gas, which create the characteristic lava lamp effects.

Educational Value:

The project enthuses secondary students to explore the chemical interactions, fluid dynamics and the notion of density. It stimulates observation and experimentation while showing how everyday materials can be utilised to create captivating scientific displays.

5. Make String from Algae

Making string out of algae exposes students to bioengineering as well as sustainable materials, investigating creative solutions to environmental problems by engaging in hands-on experiments.

Materials Needed:

  • Fresh algae (harvested or purchased)
  • Blender or food processor
  • Water
  • Strainer or cheesecloth
  • Large bowl
  • Scissors


  1. Prepare the Algae Paste:

Wash fresh algae thoroughly to get rid of any particles. Blend the algae in a food processor or blender until it becomes an even, smooth paste.

  1. Extract the Algae Fibres:

The algae mixture should be poured through a cheesecloth or strainer and into an enormous bowl, separating the fibers and the water. Press gently to get rid of the excess water.

  1. Form and Dry the String:

Collect the algae fibres and then form them into thin strings or strands. Lay them down on the drying rack parchment paper, and let them dry completely in the air.

  1. Test and Use:

After drying, examine the strength and endurance of the string of algae. Find different uses for biodegradable materials like crafting and small construction tasks.

Scientific Explanation:

Algae have cellulose as well as other fibers that can be transformed into biodegradable substances. This project shows the potential of bioengineering to develop environmentally sustainable alternatives to conventional materials.

Educational Value:

Making string out of algae is a way to engage secondary students in bioengineering and sustainable materials science as well as environmental protection. It fosters innovation and imaginative thinking, while also highlighting the potential of natural resources to address global issues.

These STEM-related activities are designed for students to provide them with the opportunity of investigating advanced engineering and scientific concepts. Each activity encourages the use of hands-on knowledge, thinking critically and innovation, while helping students prepare for careers within STEM fields.

To Sum it Up

These STEM-related activities designed for students in the elementary and secondary grades offer exciting opportunities to learn about science and technology through practical ways. From making drones, solar ovens, to making invisible ink, and exploring leaf pigments, each of these activities inspires curiosity and stimulates the ability to think critically.


How can I ensure the safety of elementary students during STEM activities like making a lemon volcano?

Safety is the most important factor when doing STEM activities for elementary students. Always ensure that an adult supervises the activity and ensure that the materials used are appropriate for children and safe for children. Before beginning the exercise, talk about safety guidelines with the children and emphasise safe handling of the materials and the possible hazards such as chemical reactions or heat. It is also important to carry out activities in a room that is well-ventilated and to have safety procedures in place in the event of spills or accidents.

What are the benefits of engaging secondary students in STEM projects like building a mini drone or a disk siren?

Secondary students greatly benefit through hands-on STEM projects such as building drones as well as sirens. These activities do not just teach the technical aspects of engineering and electronics, but also encourage the ability to think critically, problem-solving and collaboration. Making a mini drone for example will require students to learn aerodynamics, programming and mechanical assembly. These help them prepare for the future STEM career paths. Furthermore, these activities foster the imagination and ingenuity of students as they discover real-world applications for STEM concepts.

How can STEM activities like making ice cream in a bag or a pizza box solar oven support cross-curricular learning in elementary and secondary schools?

STEM-related activities like making ice cream inside bags or creating a solar oven promote inter-curricular learning by mixing maths, science and even environmental studies. Making Ice cream requires understanding states of matter and the chemistry behind freezing points, whereas a solar oven build incorporates the fundamentals of physical science (heat transfer) and environmental science (renewable energy). These projects provide the opportunity for students to apply their knowledge across different disciplines, and help develop a knowledge of STEM concepts in real-world situations.

What are some ways to adapt STEM activities for students with diverse learning needs or disabilities?

The process of adapting STEM activities to accommodate students with special needs requires modifications and accommodations that ensure accessibility and inclusion. For example, the use of tactile materials or visual aids may help students who have sensory impairments by reducing the amount of instruction or giving more time to students with cognitive impairments. Group work in collaboration and differentiated instruction methods enable all students, regardless of their ability, to take part effectively in STEM activities and meet goals in learning. It is essential to keep flexibility and provide personalized assistance based on the individual requirements.

How can parents or educators foster a continued interest in STEM subjects beyond these activities?

To keep students interested in STEM subjects is about creating a positive learning environment both at home as well as within the school. Inspire curiosity by exposing students to the real-world applications of STEM by going to science museums or participating in STEM-related activities. Incorporate STEM into daily discussions and activities while highlighting the importance of STEM to future careers and global issues. Offering access to online resources, books and opportunities for mentorship in STEM fields may also encourage students to investigate further and explore their interests in engineering, science, technology and math.

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