Beaconsfield High School: 11+ Admissions Test Requirements

Beaconsfield High School: 11+ Admissions Test Requirements

Welcome to the guide outlining the essential details of the 11+ Admissions Test requirements for entry into Beaconsfield High School. As a renowned institution committed to providing a high-quality educational journey, we believe it is imperative for prospective students and their parents to be well-informed about the admissions process. The 11+ Admissions Test plays a pivotal role in evaluating candidates and determining their eligibility for enrollment. In this guide, we will delve into the specific details of what the test entails, its significance, and the criteria against which applicants will be assessed. Our aim is to equip you with a comprehensive understanding of the test requirements, enabling you to navigate the application process with confidence and clarity.

About Beaconsfield High School

Beaconsfield High School, a selective girls’ grammar school, boasts a sizable sixth form of 300+ students. Specializing in technology and languages, it draws students from Buckinghamshire and nearby areas. 

Admissions Requirements

Prospective students must complete the Secondary Transfer Test, managed by Buckinghamshire Council for all grammar schools. For details, consult The Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools (TBGS) website and Buckinghamshire Council’s Admissions pages.

Application Process

Registration for testing is automatic for children who attend Buckinghamshire Primary Schools unless the parent expressly withdraws their child from testing. Independent schools and other applicants must apply through the Testing Administrator and inform their Local Authority preference before the set annual closing date.

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11+ Admissions Test Format:

The Buckinghamshire (GL Assessment) exam comprises two 60-minute papers on the same day. It assesses verbal, mathematical, and non-verbal reasoning skills.

Free 11 + Practice Questions

    11+ Revision Tips for Beaconsfield High School

    • Understand the Format: Familiarise yourself with the exam structure and question types to manage time effectively.
    • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice builds confidence. Access past papers and resources aligned with GL-style testing.
    • Time Management: Develop strategies to allocate time per question and manage the paper’s duration.
    • Verbal and Non-Verbal Skills: Enhance vocabulary and non-verbal reasoning by reading widely and practicing visual puzzles.
    • Mathematical Mastery: Practise mental calculations, problem-solving, and numerical reasoning to excel in the mathematical section.

    Beaconsfield High School Information

    County: Buckinghamshire

    Address: Wattleton Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 1RR


    Type: Girls’ Grammar

    Year 7 Places: 180

    Competition: 5+ applicants per place

    Exam Format: GL style


    What distinguishes Beaconsfield High School’s admissions process?

    Admission hinges on Children are eligible to be considered for admission to Beaconsfield High School in Year 7 if they meet the required qualifying score of 121 in the Buckinghamshire Secondary Transfer Tests or have been deemed qualified by a Selection Review Panel (or in exceptional circumstances, an Admissions Appeal). 

    Is test registration mandatory for primary school attendees?

    A: Yes, registration for testing is automatic for children who attend Buckinghamshire Primary schools unless the parent expressly withdraws their child from testing. In all other cases, including where children attend independent schools in Buckinghamshire and non-Buckinghamshire Primary schools, an application for testing should be made to Buckinghamshire Council, the Test Administrator for all of the Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools. In addition, all applicants must notify their home Council of their preference for the school prior to the closing date.

    How can applicants from non-Buckinghamshire schools apply for testing?

    Independent school attendees and those from outside Buckinghamshire must apply through the Buckinghamshire Council, the Test Administrator for all of the Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools. In addition, all applicants must notify their home Council of their preference for the school prior to the closing date.

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