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University of Cambridge
Rating 5
Pleased student 7
Teaches subjects 3

About Me

Hi! My name’s Adam and I’m a recent graduate with a Master’s in Maths from the University of Cambridge, specialising in Quantum Computing, and starting a PhD soon. I know first-hand how stressful applications to the UK’s top universities can be because I was in this position just five years ago. I remember how opaque the processes felt, especially Cambridge’s – what should I put on my personal statement; which college is best to apply to; what style of questions will they ask me in the interview and much, much more besides. Having received an offer at interview, I then prepared for the challenging STEP exams which must be taken for entrance into Cambridge’s maths programme. Here I succeeded also and was admitted into Cambridge, where I eventually achieved the highest mark in Applied Maths at the Master’s level.

I can say in retrospect that this process was somewhat complicated by the fact that the information released by the university does not necessarily always line up with the realities. The process itself becomes much easier and less daunting when one has a guide who has recently been through it and therefore has up-to-date information. As an example, the decision of which college to apply to should not be taken lightly, particularly for those who are not able, for whatever reason, to visit Cambridge before applying. It is a decision that has considerations both academic and non-academic, one that is best made away from the front-facing veneer of an open day and one that is, once again, made easier with insider information.

The two services I primarily offer at this time of year are advice for applications (for Maths degrees, or similar, at Cambridge and other UK institutions) and preparation for interviews. The interview itself is ultimately run in the style of a mock supervision, where supervisions are the small classes attended by students two-to-three times a week – classes that are fresh in my memory. Using actual past Cambridge interview questions, I conduct interview preparation in the style of these supervisions. With teaching experience under my belt, I’m passionate about communicating Maths and like it when others enjoy it as much as I do.

My teaching style

Knowing very much what maths interviews are like at the UK’s top unis, I aim to create an environment as similar to the real thing as I can in my lessons, so that when students get into their interviews, they feel somewhat more at ease. This does not mean that I go in all guns blazing! I believe that starting slow is the right thing to do. I have a bank of actual past Cambridge maths interview questions which we can work through together. At first, we’ll start by getting through them in the student’s own time, with my help where necessary, and eventually, the students will get faster and more independent with their attempts.

My past experience

During my Master’s year, I supervised 9 third year undergraduates in the course ‘Statistical Physics’. I prepared the lessons, marked their homework, pushed on those that were finding it easy and offered a hand to those that were finding it hard.

My Proudest Achievements

I think I felt most proud when my supervisees came to me and told me how much I’d helped them and de-stressed them in the run-up to their exams.

I teach

  • Oxbridge Interview (Non-Medicine)
  • STEP
  • Maths

My Results and Achievements

  • Highest Master's Applied Maths score in Cambridge
  • High 1st in all Bachelor years at Cambridge
  • STEP: S (Outstanding) at STEP 2 and 3
  • A-Level/GCSE: Top available mark in all subjects

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