About Me
My name is Jack and I am a Veterinary Medicine student at the Royal Veterinary College, London. As a result of my UCAS application I was fortunate to have been offered places to study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Liverpool, University of Bristol and the Royal Veterinary College. Additionally, I was offered a place on the MSci Applied Bioveterinary Research course at the RVC and on the Biological and Biomedical Sciences course in Trinity College Dublin. Resulting from this, I have a deep insight into personal statement writing, university admissions tests as well as both MMI and panel style interviews.
I sat my Leaving Certificate (A Levels) in 2022 and achieved A*,A*,A*,A in Biology, Chemistry, English and Mathematics. An intrinsic component which I integrated into my application to vet schools was an emphasis on veterinary work experience. I gained over 1200 hrs of veterinary experience across a plethora of settings, the benefits of which I feel I can share with those I tutor. Further to this, I would love to help students build up their work experience portfolios whilst integrating this information into an eye-catching and unique personal statement which exudes a passion for studying Veterinary Medicine.
Applying to study Veterinary Medicine can often be a daunting endeavour, however I feel that with the right guidance, this process can be one which is enjoyable whilst providing you with insight into your future career.
My teaching style
I believe that one true teaching style is not possible, as each individual student learns in a different manner. However, I approach tutoring pragmatically. I will always ask students what they would like to achieve by doing tutorials and if they have any weaker sections of their application / subject that they would like to spend an increased amount of time on. Of course, I will not limit my teaching to just these sections and will provide all students with an holistic insight into their application process and what to expect when it comes to interviews.
My Proudest Achievements
Of course, one of my proudest achievements was being offered several places to study Veterinary Medicine. On the topic of academia, my A level results, I feel, reflect the work I put in throughout that time period. Building up my veterinary clinical work experience portfolio was also one of my most valued achievements. In a non academic sense, I am proud of the friends I have made and the sports societies and teams I am a part of.
I teach
- Veterinary Interview
- Vet Personal Statement
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English
- Science
- Veterinary
- Specify in notes
My Results and Achievements
- Veterinary Medicine offer Bristol
- Veterinary Medicine offer RVC
- Veterinary Medicine offer Liverpool
- MSci Applied Bioveterinary Research offer RVC
- Biomedical Sciences offer Trinity (Dublin)
- A*A*A*A Irish Leaving Cert (A Levels)
- University of Edinburgh Interview
- 1000+ Hours of Varied Veterinary Experience
- Awarded Bodkin Memorial Essay Prize (English)
- Awarded Gold Medal for English (A Level)
- Student- RVC (Veterinary Medicine)
- Extensive Panel & MMI Experience