About Me
Hey! I’m Esther, a second-year undergrad studying Classics at Oxford, and I’m very excited to support and help you in whatever study situation you may find yourself in! I myself struggled through the IB—constantly trying to cram the barrage of new information into my head while consolidating the concepts we’d just covered—and have had my fair share of time grappling with the slew of university essay deadlines that relentlessly impeller themselves my way. However, with lots of prayer, guidance, and trial and error, I managed to formulate several methods of study and accumulate lots of advice and tips that I do hope you find helpful. I strongly emphasise the value of understanding concepts rather than memorising facts and replicating them during the exam, as understanding allows one to accurately tailor-fabricate answers directly to each individual question, and thus a higher likelihood of scoring highly. I strongly believe that earnestness, honesty, and integrity within studies are cardinal values for every student and tutor: I will abet every student to to, God willing, become the best student that they can be, rather than forcing textbook-emanates fragments of information into their memories for regurgitation during exams. Ultimately, sustained success in school and university comes from performing the best that one can—exercising one’s own abilities to the fullest potential—and that is what I aim to have each and every student of mine achieve.
My teaching style
Relaxed but focused, precise and straight-to-the-point, calm and with the pace tailored to the individual student and their needs. I am not against teaching exam strategy—for the sake of mental preparation and organisation—but I will never teach anything that would compromise the academic integrity of my students when it comes to exam day.
My Proudest Achievements
Graduating high school and finishing my IB exams, getting into university to study a course in which I had no prior knowledge or academic experience, with the support of teachers, parents, and God,
I teach
- English
- History
- Specify in notes
- Mandarin
- Latin
- French
- Economics
- Oxbridge Application
- University Consultation
- Bass Guitar
- A-Level / IB Extended Essay
My Results and Achievements
- Offer from Oxford for BA Literae Humaniores
- offer from KCL for BA Classical Studies & English
- offer from QMUL
- offer from University of Edinburgh
- offer from Durham for English Literature
- Book Award for English
- merit award for Social Studies
- merit award for Biology