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University of London
4th Year
Rating 5
Pleased student 1
Teaches subjects 22

About Me

My name is Fi (Sofia) and I’m currently in my fourth year studying at the Royal Veterinary College in London and am absolutely loving it. With many years of demanding workload, I am sure I can give you the confidence to study to your full potential. I look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your goals!
I completed my GCSEs in one year due to changing schools (and courses) in year 11 so am familiar with content as I independently studied lots of it. Similarly, COVID lockdown occurred over my two years of sixth-form and start of university so I understand remote learning.
I’m more than happy to discuss anything veterinary related and have a good understanding of the application process, supplementary forms, work experience and interview.
Outside of academics, I enjoy various sports such as swimming, running, yoga as well as riding.

My teaching style

For difficult concepts I find the best thing to do is take a step back and break it down into manageable chunks (supported by something visual too, if relevant), once a basic understanding is there we can build on any further knowledge and achieve a depth of content. My goal would be that by the end of the session you could explain the concept back to me, which secures both understanding and confidence!
Throughout senior school, sixth-form and university I have used various study methods and what works for one subject doesn’t always work for others, I’d be more than happy to try and find what works for you. Active recall for revision has been a game changer, because in honesty, very few people remember by just reading notes (I promise!). Exam technique and learning how to use practice papers, mark-schemes and specifications is also key. Sometimes all you need is a bit of guidance to get you on your way!

My Proudest Achievements

Achieving a place at the number one vet school in the world has to be up there! University has offered every opportunity I could have dreamed, and I have travelled for placements across the globe! Maintaining a critically important work-life balance has been challenging but worth it. You can achieve top grades while being social and enjoying your hobbies. I’ve proved that this year by maintaining my studies while being on committee for my society at university.

I teach

  • Vet Personal Statement
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Science
  • Psychology
  • Horseback Riding
  • Running
  • Meditation
  • Sailing
  • Swimming
  • Extended Project Qualification
  • Veterinary Interview
  • 13+
  • 16+
  • Biochemistry
  • Maths
  • Religious Studies
  • Religion
  • Veterinary
  • Essays
  • Fitness
  • Yoga

My Results and Achievements

  • A* EPQ
  • A*A*A a levels
  • Vet interviews
  • Strong personal statement
  • Offer from Royal Veterinary College
  • Spoken at a chemistry symposium
  • Selected for pre-university vet taster course
  • Fourth year veterinary student

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