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University of Wales, Swansea
Physician Associate MPAS
1st Year
Checked DBS
Teaches subjects 24

About Me

Hi, my name is P (that is actually not my real name but that is the name I go by). I am currently studying my masters in Physician Associate at Swansea University. I was born and raised in London, lived in Nottingham for a little while and moved again to Swansea but I am originally from Nepal. I like to laugh a lot and make education fun, education is not all that serious!! We just need to understand the specification and the right techniques to be successful :).

The three main traits my friends would use to describe me would be outgoing, creative and optimistic. I enjoy watching Netflix (especially reality TV and action/thriller programmes) , going the gym and scrolling through on my phone. My favourite cuisine is Mexican for the birria style tacos. The most embarrassing moment was when I had no minors on my driving test but only one serious and that was for something that was very silly (stopping at the wrong red light) :/.

My teaching style

My teaching style is focusing on the students learning style (auditory, visual or a combination). Also I think it is important to address the issue the student is facing with subject and working on those. It is imperative to understand the basics of a subject before advancing further.

My Proudest Achievements

I achieved at first class honours in my undergraduate degree and I got into a very competitive and difficult masters course.

I teach

  • Physician Associate
  • Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM)
  • Medicine Interview
  • Dentistry Interview
  • Pharmacy
  • BMAT
  • UCAT
  • 11+
  • 13+
  • 13+ Tutors
  • GCSE Re-take Tutor
  • Med Personal Statement
  • Science
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Nursing Interview
  • Maths
  • English
  • English Literature
  • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
  • Reading

My Results and Achievements

  • All rounder for the subjects I teach
  • :)

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