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Why Study Mind Tutoring?
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What makes Study Mind Tutors
right for you?
- Teaching Materials
- Past Papers
- Revision Notes
- Tutor Background
- Tutor Reliability
- Satisfaction Rate
- Bonus Features
Study Mind Tutor
- Professionally developed tutorials with slides
- Professionally organised past paper compilations
- Professionally written Study Mind revision guides
- Russell Group University-educated
- Guaranteed*
- 98%
- Lesson recordings
Whatsapp Support
Average Tutor
- Often use textbooks or a clutter of resources
- General exam papers freely available to all
- Often none or out-of-date notes
- Variable
- Mixed (may become unavailable)
- Variable
- Often none
Don't just take our word for it...
How do I get started?
While getting the grades you want might not seem so simple, it all begins with these three easy steps...
Sign up for Free Consultation
It all starts with signing-up for a free consultation with our team. No matter what question you have about tutoring or our courses, they are happy to help!
Receive a Taster Lesson
Pick a topic that you are really struggling with and we’ll help you tackle it head on, with a structured lesson that is focused on your specific exam board.
Discuss a Study Schedule
Enjoyed your first lesson? We’ll build you a Study Schedule that works for you and helps you start your journey towards aceing those exams!
Free Consultation
It all starts with signing-up for a free consultation with our team. No matter what question you have about tutoring or our courses, they are happy to help!
Taster Lesson
Pick a topic that you are really struggling with and we’ll help you tackle it head on, with a structure lesson that is focused on your specific exam board.
Plan Study Schedule
Enjoyed your first lesson? We’ll build a Study Schedule that works for you and helps you start your journey towards aceing those exams?
A-Level Maths Tutoring is proven to improve grades
Frequently Asked Questions
We understand that you might have some questions before booking your first lesson. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for in the FAQs, feel free to contact us!