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Edexcel English Literature A-Level Past Papers

Our page on Edexcel A-Level English Literature Papers provides all the information you need to prepare for your exams. Discover the format of the papers, the assessment objectives, and tips for answering essay questions. With our resources, you'll be well-equipped to achieve your best results.

June 2022 Pearson Edexcel A-Level English Literature Past Papers (Specification 8ET0 and 9ET0)

November 2021 Pearson Edexcel A-Level English Literature Past Papers (Specification 8ET0 and 9ET0)

November 2020 Pearson Edexcel A-Level English Literature Past Papers (Specification 8ET0 and 9ET0)

June 2019 Pearson Edexcel A-Level English Literature Past Papers (Specification 8ET0 and 9ET0)

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June 2018 Pearson Edexcel A-Level English Literature Past Papers (Specification 8ET0 and 9ET0)

June 2017 Edexcel A-Level English Literature Past Papers (Specification 8ET0 and 9ET0)

June 2016 Edexcel A-Level English Literature Past Papers (Specification 8ET0 and 9ET0)

June 2016 Edexcel A-Level English Literature Past Papers (Specification 6ET01)

Edexcel A-Level English Literature June 2015

Edexcel A-Level English Literature June 2014

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    1-to-1 lessons tailored to Edexcel English Literature A-Level Past Papers

      → What is Edexcel A-Level English Literature Paper?

      Edexcel A-Level English Literature Paper is an assessment taken by students studying English Literature at an advanced level. It is designed to test their knowledge and understanding of literary texts, as well as their ability to analyze and interpret them.

      → How many papers are there in Edexcel A-Level English Literature?

      There are two papers in Edexcel A-Level English Literature. Paper 1 focuses on Shakespeare and the 19th-century novel, while Paper 2 covers modern texts and poetry.

      → What is the format of Paper 1?

      Paper 1 is a two-hour and 15-minute exam that consists of two sections. Section A requires students to write one essay on a Shakespeare play they have studied, while Section B requires them to write one essay on a 19th-century novel they have studied.

      → What is the format of Paper 2?

      Paper 2 is a two-hour and 30-minute exam that consists of three sections. Section A requires students to write one essay on a modern prose or drama text they have studied, Section B requires them to write one essay on a poetry text they have studied, and Section C requires them to compare two poetry texts they have studied.

      → What are the assessment objectives for Edexcel A-Level English Literature?

      The assessment objectives for Edexcel A-Level English Literature are:

      - Articulate informed, personal and creative responses to literary texts, using associated concepts and terminology, and coherent, accurate written expression.
      - Analyze ways in which meanings are shaped in literary texts.
      - Demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of the contexts in which literary texts are written and received.
      - Explore connections across literary texts.

      → How are the papers marked?

      The papers are marked using a mark scheme that assesses students' ability to meet the assessment objectives. Each paper is worth 80 marks, with 40 marks allocated to each section. The papers are marked by trained examiners and moderated by Edexcel.

      → How can I prepare for Edexcel A-Level English Literature Papers?

      To prepare for Edexcel A-Level English Literature Papers, you should:

      - Read widely and extensively, including the set texts for the course.
      - Take detailed notes on the texts you read, including themes, characters, and literary techniques.
      - Practice essay writing, using the assessment objectives to guide your writing.
      - Revise regularly, using revision techniques that work for you.
      - Seek feedback on your work from your teachers or peers.

      → What are some tips for answering the essay questions?

      Some tips for answering the essay questions include:

      - Plan your answer carefully, taking into account the time allocated for each section.
      - Make sure you understand the question and what is being asked of you.
      - Use evidence from the text to support your arguments.
      - Analyze the language, structure, and form of the text.
      - Consider the context in which the text was written.
      - Use literary terminology to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding.