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AHAA Tutors : 1-1 AHAA Preparation

  • Online or in person lessons with experienced AHAA teachers
  • Whatever your age or skill level, we can match you with the perfect teacher
  • Learn online or in person with experienced, vetted tutors
  • You're in control, with lessons that fit around your schedule
Mechanical Engineering

Here's a selection of our AHAA tutors, continue below to search from all 100 tutors

Experienced AHAA tutor
Experienced AHAA tutor
A*A*A*A at A-AlevelAchieved 9 9-7s at GCSEAchieved 2:1 at CambridgeHelped 4 Receieve Cambridge OffersPolitics and International Relations Specialism
Experienced AHAA tutor and recent graduate from the University of Cambridge
Experienced AHAA tutor and recent graduate from the University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
History and Politics
4th Year
Four A*s at A-LevelFirst Class with Distinction from CambridgePhD offer-holder from CambridgeGraduated Second in Year

Hi! My name is Matthew Levine and I am a recent graduate in History and Politics from the University of Cambridge. I ranked second in my year at Cambridge, and won prizes for my dissertation, as well as multiple awards for my performance in the degree. Having left Cambridge, I am now spending a year in the United States at the Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy. Next year, I will return to the University of Cambridge to complete a PhD in History.

I have been a tutor for over three years now, with a wide range of teaching areas but a focus on Oxbridge admissions, essay competitions, and History A-Levels. Many of my students have received offers from Oxford and Cambridge, and a healthy proportion have also won prestigious essay competitions such as the John Locke Institute Essay Competition. I am looking forward to meeting you!

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    Read some of our most frequently asked questions and answers

    How much do AHAA tutors cost per hour?

    The cost of a AHAA tutor can vary depending on their qualifications and experience. Generally, private tutors charge between £30.00 and £50.00 per hour, with online lessons often slightly cheaper than in-person lessons

    Can you take AHAA lessons Online?

    Yes, you can take AHAA lessons online! All of our tutors offer online tutoring, most of them through our state-of-the-art online classroom which has been built by us to meet all your needs.

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