About Me
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I hope that this short introduction will provide a useful insight into what our classes will be like. I moved to the UK from Nigeria at 11 and was placed bottom set for everything when I moved. I know that is not what you want to hear from your tutor, but in 5 short years, I managed to make graduate GCSEs the top 1% of my school. They say hard work pays off, but this is true only to a certain extent. I believe smart work pays off, yes it is important to work hard, but the first step to aceing any exams is being clever about what you learn. I love learning! I think it is absolutely amazing the whole process our brain goes through when something foreign becomes familiar, however, I have a big problem with the “traditional” process we are taught. I chose to study the IB instead of A levels, for this reason, I believe whenever we go through any process or exam it should be something that benefits you, long after you pass your exams. My teaching style is a strong emphasis on learning rather than just passing exams, yes there are some things you just have to memorise, but with a strong emphasis on why I believe this approach makes you into the perfect learner, preparing you for higher education.
My teaching style
Facilitator: I believe myself to be a facilitator of learning instead of a teacher, by adopting this role I encourage my student to adopt critical learning skills that allow them to form conclusions themselves rather than just tell them information as it is. I personally believe this approach is best because what we learn is not actually important, the most important thing is how we learn. By encouraging my student to reason independently, being there to help the learning process they learn important transferrable skills that stay with them longer than the next exam, and also provide them with the opportunity to develop individually into confident, independent and critical thinkers; skills that will prove invaluable to them regardless of what career they find themselves in the future.
My past experience
My Proudest Achievements
My proudest achievement is getting into medical school. I come from a town where a lot of people have ambitions to be doctors and dream of attending university, but not many make it. All the schools in my town are average state schools where it is considered good if you achieve Cs at GCSEs and amazing to even attempt Alevels, so they just don’t have the funding to help coach students for higher education. I have been fortunate enough, through consistent hard work and resilience, both application cycles I applied I received offers from amazing universities.
Reviews (3)
I teach
- Medicine Interview
- Med Personal Statement
- Biology
- French
- Biology
- Psychology
My Results and Achievements
- Award for the highest score in my year
- offer from imperial
- offer from UCL
- offer from imperial
- state school