AQA A-Level Physics Past Papers
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2. Waves
- 2.1 | Diffraction (Part 1)
- 2.2 | Interference
- 2.3 | Longitudinal & Transverse Waves
- 2.4 | Progressive & Stationary Waves (Multiple Choice)
- 2.5 | Progressive Waves
- 2.5 | Progressive and Stationary Waves (2016-2021)
- 2.7 | Refraction
- 2.7 | Refraction, Diffraction and Interference (2016-2021)
- 2.9 | Waves
3. Mechanics and Materials
- 3.1 | Bulk Properties of solid
- 3.2 | Conservation of Energy
- 3.3 | Force, Energy & Momentum (Multiple Choice) (Part 1)
- 3.3 | Force, Energy & Momentum (Multiple Choice) (Part 2)
- 3.3 | Force, Energy and Momentum (2016-2021)
- 3.4 | Materials (Multiple Choice)
- 3.5 | Materials
- 3.5 | Materials (2016-2021)
- 3.6 | Moments
- 3.7 | Momentum (Part 1)
- 3.7 | Momentum (Part 2)
- 3.8 | Motion & Force
- 3.9 | Motion & Projectiles
- 3.10 | Motion along a Straight Line
- 3.11 | Newton's Laws of Motion
- 3.12 | Projectile Motion
- 3.13 | Resolving & Moments
- 3.14 | Scalars & Vectors
- 3.15 | Work, Energy & Power (Part 1)
- 3.16 | Work, Energy & Power (Part 2)
- 3.17 | Young's Modulus
4. Electricity
- 4.1 | Circuits
- 4.2 | Current & Resistance
- 4.4 | Current Electricity
- 4.5 | Current-Voltage Characteristics
- 4.5 | Current Electricity (2016-2021)
- 4.6 | DC Circuits
- 4.7 | Electromotive Force & Internal Resistance
- 4.8 | Internal Resistance
- 4.9 | Potential Divider
5. Further Mechanics
- 5.2 | Forced Vibrations and Resonance
- 5.3 | Ideal Gases
- 5.4 | Molecular Kinetic Theory Model
- 5.5 | Periodic Motion (Multiple Choice) (Part 1)
- 5.5 | Periodic Motion (Multiple Choice) (Part 2)
- 5.5 | Periodic Motion (Multiple Choice) (Part 3)
- 5.5 | Periodic Motion (2016-2021)
- 5.6 | SHM
- 5.7 | Simple Harmonic Motion
- 5.8 | Simple Harmonic Systems
- 5.9 | Thermal Energy Transfer
- 5.10 | Thermal Physics
6. Fields and Their Consequences
- 6.1 | Alternating Current
- 6.2 | Alternating Currents
- 6.3 | Capacitance (Multiple Choice) (Part 1)
- 6.3 | Capacitance (Multiple Choice) (Part 2)
- 6.4 | Capacitance
- 6.4 | Capacitance (Part 1)
- 6.5 | Capacitor Charge & Discharge
- 6.5 | Capacitance (2016-2021)
- 6.6 | Charges in Magnetic Fields
- 6.7 | Coulomb's Law
- 6.8 | Dicovery of the Electron
- 6.9 | Electric Field Strength
- 6.1 | Electric Fields (Multiple Choice) (Part 1)
- 6.10 | Electric Fields (Multiple Choice) (Part 2)
- 6.11 | Electric Potential
- 6.1 | Electric Fields (2016-2021)
- 6.13 | Energy Stored by a Capacitor
- 6.14 | Gravitational Field Strength
- 6.15 | Gravitational Fields (Multiple Choice) (Part 1)
- 6.15 | Gravitational Fields (Multiple Choice) (Part 2)
- 6.16 | Gravitational Fields
- 6.17 | Gravitational Potential
- 6.1 | Gravitational Fields (2016-2021)
- 6.18 | Magnetic Fields (Multiple Choice) (Part 1)
- 6.18 | Magnetic Fields (Multiple Choice) (Part 2)
- 6.19 | Magnetic Flux Density
- 6.19 | Magnetic FIelds (2016-2021)
- 6.20 | Moving Charges in a Magnetic Field
- 6.21 | Newton's Law
- 6.22 | Operation of a Transformer
- 6.23 | Orbits of Planets & Satellites
- 6.24 | Parallel Plate Capacitor
7. Nuclear Physics
- 7.1 | Alpha, Beta, Gamma Radiation
- 7.2 | Induced Fission
- 7.3 | Mass _ Energy
- 7.4 | Nuclear Energy
- 7.5 | Nuclear Instability
- 7.6 | Nuclear Radius
- 7.6 | Nuclear Physics (2016-2021)
- 7.7 | Radioactive Decay
- 7.8 | Radioactivity (Multiple Choice)
- 7.9 | Radioactivity
- 7.10 | Rutherford Scattering
- 7.11 | Safety Aspects
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